Contact Virtual Tour

shop in South Bohemia:

Phone: + 420 776 881 881

QR code Chlumec

Opening times:

Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday closed
open on holidays except Jan 1, Easter Monday, May 8, Sep 28, Oct 28, Dec 24-26

closed, open only upon prior appointment

Our address is:
Zahradnictví Milan Havlis
Chlumec u Eeského Krumlova, 23
382 32 pošta Velešín


Business data:
SAFRO s.r.o.
Chlumec 23
382 32 p. Velešín
VAT Reg. No. CZ 280 79 426

Shop in Prague:

Telephone: + 420 776 882 882

QR kód Praha


9 a.m. - 7 p.m. (year-round)
open on holidays except Jan 1, Easter Monday, May 8, Sep 28, Oct 28, Dec 24-26

Our address is:
Zahradnictví SAFRO
ul. Za Mototechnou 2673/11
(intersection street K Hájum)
155 00 Praha 5 - Stodulky


Business data:
SAFRO s.r.o.
Chlumec 23
382 32 p. Velešín
VAT Reg. No. CZ 280 79 426

We accept these credit cards: VISA, VISA Electron, EUROCARD / MASTERCARD, Maestro

Guarantee according to Czech law § 2165 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code
Our plants come under the same guarantee paragraph as all other consumer goods i.e. 24 months. Any claim can be placed and will be approved if the plant was treated the way(s) compatible with its healthy growth and life. Claims are not approved for plants that were not treated the way(s) described above, and/or their state was caused by pests and diseases gained elsewhere but our premises, and/or were not planted in soil and/or grown in containers, and/or were grown in locations unsuitable for their healthy growth. We do not bear responsibility for excess cold and frost as reasons for plant's deterioration and/or death.
If you have grounds for a claim or if you think the plant does not prosper as you would expect and the plant is already put in soil please do not remove it but contact us immediately so we can suggest the best possible solution. Photographs documenting its state are usually required.
SAFRO Privacy Statement you can find here

LARGE PLANTS over 150 cmspecimens, screening and hedging shrubs

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