Univerzální substrát PROFI
Univerzální substrát PROFI
Professional substrate for general purpose
Professional substrate for general purpose
Professional substrate for general purpose is a versatile substrate for most plants except those which need exact soil pH for healthy life. This substrate consists of perfect ratio between peat and fibre which helps it remain evenly moist i.e. it does not stay wet and does not dry out quickly either. It is enriched with important microelements and quick-release fertilizers that will help the plants make new roots more quickly. This substrate is useful for most plants. You can use for ericaceous plants, too, if you add pure peat. And it can be used for lime-loving plants if you mix it with dolomitic lime. For best results we recommend using it along with mycorrhiza Symbivit which helps the plants make roots faster and stay healthy. Last update 10-01-2012 |