Yucca gloriosa

Yucca gloriosa
Yucca gloriosa 
Spanish dagger
SIZE/TYPE mid-sized perennial
 small shrub
LEAVES evergreen broadleaf
COLOUR OF LEAVES +multicoloured:green and blue-green
BLOOMING TIME September - November
LOCATION full sun
SOIL TYPE any (acidic to alkaline)
SOIL MOISTURE REQUIREMENTS dry and sharply drained (xeriscape)
USDA zone (lowest) 6   (down to -23°C)
FOR ZONE 5+6 Code of winter protection zone 5+6
FOR ZONE 7 Code of winter protection zone 7
BELONGS TO CATEGORIES Evergreen broadleaf
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Trunk-forming yuccas are an exotic addition to dry xeriscape gardens which consists of solely trees, shrubs, and perennials that tolerate or even require complete drought for long periods and where watering is banned. Desert garden is another word often used since most of these plants come from the desert areas in Central America – from the deserts of the southwestern states of the USA to Mexico. Spanish dagger also belongs among tree yuccas, however, its trunk grows perhaps at the slowest pace.

Spanish dagger comes from coastal parts of S.E. USA (North Carolina to Florida) where it naturally grows on sandy sites, exposed to wind, drought, and heat. It can easily by confused with Adam’s needle (yucca filamentosa) whose leaves are much softer while Spanish dagger makes stiff and leathery blades. They are evergreen, 40-60 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, medium green with blue-green frosting, and pointed with a sharp tip. They remain beautiful for several years and then bottom leaves are best removed.

Its flowers appear very late in the season – often 3 months later than on Adam’s needle, in late summer and autumn. They are large, beige to creamy white bells grouped in massive, upright panicles produced along a thick stem reaching about 1.5 m tall in C.E. climate and up to 2.5 m in its native habitat.

Yuccas look great if they are placed in a landscape where they will contrast with other plants in the garden and where their unusual architecture will complement the exotic atmosphere. If you are making a xeriscape garden, use a lot of various gravel, pebbles, and sand instead of mulch to cover the ground, and enhance the exotic feeling with plants of similar needs such as hardy agaves, cacti, or other drought-loving plants. It will help create a perfect Mediterranean-style landscape combined with other macchia-type plants such as arbutus, phillyrea, quercus ilex and quercus suber.

Yucca is an unpretentious plant that will grow in almost any well-drained soil of preferably neutral to alkaline pH. Spanish dagger needs free-draining soil, and it pays off to create a raised bed filled with gravel, grit, sand, and just a little bit of substrate where any water (from rain, irrigation, melting snow) will never linger. Give it full sun, water it after transplanting and then stay from watering forever. Under these growing conditions you can rely on its hardiness down to -24 °C without any protection.

Last update 03-03-2024
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Yucca gloriosa Selection
De Luxe

THE PRICES INCLUDE VAT of 15%. For quick conversion you can use 1 CZK = approx. 0.04 EUR


Yucca filamentosa
  • STANDARD QUALITY - Plants of this group are 1st class quality with number of branches and overall density adequate to their size and age, considering they were container grown.
  • DE LUXE QUALITY - This label guarantees a luxurious quality of manually selected plants that, compared to their height and age, are exceptionally dense and beautiful.
  • EXTRA - These plants are usually mature and bigger specimens with exceptional overall appearance.
  • STANDARD (as described in the plant form) means a tree with a trunk of 190-210 cm and a crown at the top, unless specified differently. The commercial size for trees is their girth measured in the height of 1m from ground.
  • HOBBY - These plants are of the same quality as our standard-quality plants but younger and therefore cheaper.
  • SHRUB - a woody plant with branches growing bushy from the ground level.
  • HALF-STANDARD or MINI-STANDARD - a small tree with shorter trunk, its size is usually specified.
  • FEATHERED - These are trees with branches growing already from the base of the trunk and up along the stem.
  • GRASSES and PERENNIALS - Sizes given usually read the diameter of the pot or the clump, as specified.
LARGE PLANTS over 150 cmspecimens, screening and hedging shrubs

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