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This elegant and rather exotic looking tree is still rare in cultivation in Europe. It was believed to have been extinct after the glacial era, however, in late 19th century some specimens were found in Sichuan, China. Dove tree was brought to Britain in 1903 and cultivated as a rarity in som ...
Sonoma dove tree is a sensation that has been a subject of excited debates and positive comments on horticultural forums for some time now. It is a variety that arose from grafts taken from Sonoma Heritage Tree No.20 at Son ...
Decaisnea is a very attractive and rare small tree from China. It is cultivated for its beautiful, exotic looking foliage, and coloured seed pods. It produces multiple of thin, upright trunks which bear leaves usually at the tops, just like aralias.
The deciduous leaves are elegant, light ...
Jewel of Desert is a fantastic iceplant series with various colours including white, yellow, several shades of orange, pink and red. Flowers are 2-4 cm across, and bloom continuously for 5 months! From late May until early ...
Copper is a gorgeous iceplant variety from the SUNTROPICS® series introduced by Volmary in 2022. It makes rich golden flowers with amber orange to copper red hues. They are lar ...
DELGENIUS BREEZIN larkspur bears large, fully double flowers with narrow, undulated, and spoon-shaped petals. Their colour is a blend of light indigo blue, violet, and pale mauve. Paler flowers often have dark margins. The ...
Goldtau is a compact hairgrass variety popular for smaller size as its tuft reaches only some 45 cm tall in leaf and is very dense. The leaves are bright green, soft, upright in the middle and arching sideways. They are eve ...
In 2020 American company Proven Winners® introduces a stunning compact new deutzia provisionally called Compact Paradise. It is very similar to successful varieties YUKI CHERRY BLOSSOM and YUKI SNOWFLAKE but produces i ...
Strawberry Fields is a hybrid variety of deutzia with deep rose-pink, star-shaped, fragrant flowers. Bearing the same name as one of the old song by the Beatles it really looks like green fields with strawberries as it grows as a compact, low shrub with dense foliage and profusi ...
What more does one have to say to describe this plant other than its name? It is called beautiful deutzia and rest assured that the name fits. This deutzia is an arching, not very tall shrub with amazing rich pink flowers. They come out in late May and last for 2-3 ...
KAHORI PINK is a very pretty hybrid pink variety with rich rosy pink flowers from May until midsummer. The main flowering season is June when this mounding perennial is covered with about 2cm wide flowers atop very short st ...
Bleeding heart is a bit old-fashioned yet beautiful perennial commonly found in European gardens. It comes from Siberia and colder parts of China and Korea. The Japanese legend has it that the common name implies a young man whose love for a lady was rejected so he ...
Bleeding heart is a bit old-fashioned yet beautiful perennial commonly found in European gardens. It comes from Siberia and colder parts of China and Korea. Alba is a form with pure white heart-shaped flowers that bloom a l ...
Butterfly is a yellow flowering variety of bush honeysuckle with rich green leaves. They are stalk-less, lance-shaped, acuminate, and deciduous. 2-lipped, honeysuckle-like, sulphur yellow flowers come out from June for abou ...
COOL SPLASH is a variegated cultivar of southern bush honeysuckle forming small, deciduous shrubs with attractive variegated foliage and small honeysuckle-like golden yellow flowers. Leaves are stalk-less, lance-shaped, acu ...
DIVA is a German variety of bush honeysuckle bred by Spilkers Jungpflanzen from Barmstedt, home town of a famous rhododendron breeder Hachmann Baumschule. The plant received a Gold Medal at prestigious fair of novelties Pla ...
Lucas is a small foxglove series offering extended blooming time, various flower colours, and in one case also silvery foliage. Lucas White, however masculine the name sounds, is more like a bride dressed in the most elegan ...
Lucas is a handsome guy among foxglove varieties. It is highly valued not only for beautiful flowers but also extended blooming time as its secondary stems keep on producing flowers until September. Flowers are widely funne ...
The real king of all British ferns, and not only in the U.K, is this male fern called ´Cristata the King´. Throughout the mild and colder zones of Europe, this fern is a must have. Quite a robust one for a perennial, it creates long, arching fronds with striking crested tips. Each frond can grow up ...
Shaggy shield fern is a lovely fern with geometrically regular architecture. Individual leaflets are deep green and glossy, composed around a nearly black stem. The fronds are mostly upright making an attractive specimen plant beneath tree canopies. It is hardy to about -30°C. Cut off all lea ...
Japanese Rosy Buckler fern is especially pretty for its bronze-pink new leaves. The fronds are of a classic fern appearance, about 40 cm tall and new growths are always erect. It forms a dense clump. It is evergreen and looks beautiful without any sign of damage do ...
The male fern is our native species, found throughout Europe and into the subarctic parts of the Northern Hemisphere. In smaller quantities it is also present in North America and Northern Asia. Available information about the taxon is somewhat diverse which makes ...
Sunset fern is a beautiful piece with amazing colour play of its new leaves. They emerge bright golden yellow with rich salmon-pink tones. The fronds are 40-60 cm long, semi-erect, and glossy. They turn rich green when mature. They remain evergreen and beautiful wi ...