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Turkey oak is a handsome mid-sized tree with lovely foliage. The leaves are fresh green until early summer, changing to mid green in summer and pale yellow in autumn. They are typically about 12 cm long, deeply lobed with rounded lobes, and glossy
It grows slowly or medium fast into a tree ...
Holm oak or holly oak (holm is an old word for holly) is native to the Mediterranean and is spread from southern parts of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, to west Balkan and milder parts of North Africa. It used to form vast are ...
Holm oakis a natural species, not a hybrid despite two specific names in its Latin title. Integrifolia is one of its few selections first described in 1836. Its evergreen, leathery leaves are spineless with less conspicuous ...
Bamboo-leaf oak, or sometimes also called Chinese evergreen oak is a rare evergreen tree that is not widely used in cultivation in Europe which is a great pity. It has evergreen, bamboo-like, lance-shaped, narrow leaves that emerge bronze-purple and mature to a dark green. Compared to cherry ...
Pin oak is a beautiful large tree you can see growing in moist or boggy places. It has beautiful leaves, deeply lobed. They are deciduous, glossy green in summer and orange, red and burgundy purple in autumn. Pin oak is one of the most attractively coloured trees in autumn in the wild.
It ...
It is always so nice to learn about a new plant that represents a smaller version of a large species just because many of us want to enjoy its features without having to fear that it will take up the whole of our garden. GREEN PILLAR® is one of them. It ...
Armenian oak is one of my most favourite oaks. It produces very large, attractive leaves and the plant itself resembles sea-side flora. Its deciduous leaves can be up to 25 cm long, exceptionally even larger, broadly elliptic to obovate, mid green, soft and hairy when young, changing to smoot ...
Oaks are common trees of our natural woodlands. They border our ponds, occur naturally in our mixed forests, and make magnificent specimen trees in our parks and arboretums where less common species or rare varieties can be seen. English oak and sessile oak are the ...
Purpurascens is a less common English oak variety with red foliage. It forms medium large trees with spreading canopies and almost horizontal branches. Deciduous leaves are partly leathery, bright maroon as they emerge, tur ...
Looking at the CRIMSON SPIRE™ oak either from a distance or up close, it must be clear to anyone why it became a smash immediately after its launch in 1994 and remains popular still today. It forms a narrowly columnar ...
Pseudoturneri is a later variety of Turners oak. Its leaves are very similar to common oak, mid green, shallowly lobed and partly glossy. Compared to its hybrid parent it is a little smaller, hardier, and holds its leaves more reliably over the winter. Still, some leaves may fal ...
Columnar hybrid oak REGAL PRINCE® is a result of crossing seeds of English oak (quercus robur Fastigiata) and swamp white oak (quercus bicolor). The aim was t ...