beginning with: | A | B | C | C | D | D | E | F | G | H | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Flamingo is a newer sport of so popular Hakuro Nishiki dappled willow from 1979. It was found in a Dutch nursery Salixkwekerij Bontekoe, and boasts earlier colouring of new leaves and twigs that are rich pink, just like fla ...
Dragon's claw willow called Tortuosa is possibly the most popular variety of this species. It produces upright, twisted branches which become pendent with age, creating a very romantic scenery, especially with an elegant be ...
Golden Sunshine willow makes very elegant, narrowly lance-shaped, deciduous leaves which emerge bright yellow green, mature golden yellow in summer, and turn chartreuse in late summer and autumn. They are 7-10 cm long and w ...
FEATHERS PEACOCK is a highly attractive hybrid lavender sage. It has unique foliage and unusual inflorescence. It blooms quite early, already in mid-May it makes up to 55 cm tall, hairy stems topped with slightly drooping s ...
This meadow clary hybrid is truly Pretty in Pink just like its name suggests. It belongs to the FASHIONISTA™ series bred by Hans. A. Hansen from Walters Gardens in Michigan, USA. From late May it produces 50-60 cm tal ...
APEX™ is a woodland sage series brought by Israeli breeding company Danziger. All three available colour modifications available so far (blue, pink, and white) boast compact and very dense, almost uniform growth and p ...
Caradonna is a beautiful wood sage which looks like annual salvia farinacea, yet this beauty is a true perennial. Caradonna makes compact clumps with erect stems 40-60 cm tall, very dark purple blue, almost black, be ...
Ostfriesland (East Friesland) is a flat lowland in North Germany, renowned for fertile soil and mild, humid climate which is why there are a lot of nurseries. No wonder that this wood sage received the same name, rememberin ...
Schneehügel means 'A Heap of Snow' and this German wood sage variety is exactly what the name suggests. A small and compact variety of wood sage, whose stems usually do not exceed 40 cm in height and a single plant is about ...
SENSATION® is a superb new perennial salvia series. All of its varieties are truly sensational offering low, very dense and compact habit with profuse flowering. Sensation® White< ...
Rose Marvel is another unique woodland sage variety from Christa Kievit with extremely large, right purple pink flowers, possibly the largest we’ve seen so far on any woodland sage. They open from deep burgundy red ca ...
Mainacht (syn. May Night) is a hybrid between salvia nemorosa and salvia pratensis. It is a clump forming perennial with 50-60 tall spikes of deep indigo blue flowers from May until early July. Leaves are mid green, lanceolate, wrinkled, and so ...
European elder is the father of a very new variety called “Black Beauty”, introduced in 2002 by the Dutch. It has the darkest leaves available – deep burgundy, and with its striking pink panicles of flowers it is undoubtedly the jewel in the group. Its vigorous growth helps this sh ...
BLACK TOWER is another child from the nursery breeding programme of popular Black Beauty and Black Lace®. It was awarded a prize for ...
Black Lace is a variety of European elder that has lace-like, deep burgundy leaves that look like those of dissectum Japanese maples. Flowers are striking pink panicles that appear in May. Its vigorous growth helps this shrub soon make a dense cover of leaves that are vivid purp ...
GOLDEN TOWER is a slender growing variety of European elder, a sister variety of BLACK TOWER, but this time with golden foliage. Its deciduous leaves emerge bright l ...
This variety of elder comes from England. It has striking golden-yellow fern-like foliage. New leaves have pink to reddish-purple margins. Flowering panicles are not too showy but are followed by very attractive fruit: bright red glossy berries in late summer. For best appearance we suggest pruning ...
This sweet box is believed to have come from western China where it probably originated as a natural hybrid of two species. Nowadays, you will not find it in the wild either because it is extinct or perhaps it never existed as a botanical species. Very interesting ...
Purple Stem is a Himalayan sweet box variety renowned for rich maroon stems in late winter and spring. They also may (but may not) turn purplish blue in autumn just like young stems of some blue hollies. It boasts highly gl ...
Winter Gem is a Himalayan sweet box variety bred by Peter Moore from England. He succeeded in hybridizing a sweet box that will grow well in a pot which is something that sarcococca dislikes and will tolerate chalk (lime so ...
Winter savory is a hardy evergreen subshrub, sometimes also classified a woody perennial, bearing small, rosemary-like, narrow, bright green, and glossy leaves releasing a strong spicy fragrance. From about mid April appears a profusion of small, pink to purple pin ...
TILDA is an autumn saxifrage variety from the DANCING PIXIES® series producing gentle, apple-blossom-like, almost white flowers with light pink reverse of the petals and pink b ...
THEA is a snow-white queen among autumn saxifrage from the DANCING PIXIES® series producing single, 5-petalled, star-shaped, pure white flowers. They come out atop slightly tal ...
Groundcovering stonecrops are alpine perennials which are available in so many species and varieties that everyone can find his favourite. They are native to almost all continents including their coldest parts, except for Australia and Antarctica.
They are culti ...
Coraljade is a deciduous variety of stonecrop developed by American breeder Hans Hansen from Walters Gardens nursery in Michigan who is known in our country as the creator of many beautiful sages. It is a low-growing, compa ...
Peach Pearls is a deciduous variety of stonecrop introduced by Terra Nova Nursery from Oregon, USA. It is a low-growing, compact perennial forming elegantly smooth cushions with fleshy, ovate, olive-green leaves with rich m ...
Red Sparkle is a cliff stonecrop of neat habit. In spring emerge small, elliptic leaves which later change to broadly oval to almost rounded. They are pale green with dusky red hues. From midsummer are formed wide, flat pan ...
Autumn Joy is a much easier name to pronounce than its German original Herbstferude. This orpine has large, oval, light green, thick leaves. In late August it produces almost flat cymes of deep pink flowers. They continue blooming until mid autumn and even after flowering they ...
Carl is an English stonecrop variety which often compared to Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) stonecrop. Carl is a little shorter and more compact. From late August open brilliant purple pink flowers composed in dome-shaped panicl ...
Chocolate Cherry®, yummy! Though inedible, this ice plant invented by Dutch breeder Marco van Noort was named aptly describing the coloration of flowers and foliage. It makes small, only about 4cm across, dome-like inf ...
Mojave Jewels Ruby is a stonecrop variety from AB Cultivars in the Netherlands from 2018. It makes extremely dark foliage and stems which perfectly contrast with its flowers. Deciduous leaves are broadly elliptic, mildly se ...
Dazzleberry stonecrop emerges with small, oval, deciduous, dark blue-green leaves flushed dark purple red in spring, and mature to deep purple blue or almost deep burgundy red in summer. Huge flower heads measure up to 20 c ...
TOUCHDOWN™ Teak orpine will instantly catch your attention when passing by a bed with many orpine varieties. It has such a rich purple brown colour of leaves that remains deep and vibrant from spring till autumn. They ...
Cliff stonecrop is Japanese native plant popular for its compact growth and profuse flowering. Lidakense is one of the top varieties producing small, oval, deciduous, silvery blue-green leaves flushed with purple pink, and ...
Iceberg is one of a few ice plant varieties with white flowers. It makes dense, dome-like heads composed of numerous star-shaped flowers that open from late summer till mid autumn. Leaves are rounded to oval, pale green. St ...
SPOT ON™ DEEP ROSE is a Caucasian stonecrop with deep rose to rich purple pink, star-shaped flowers from July until August. They are a magnet for bees that feast on them. Evergreen leaves are small, narrowly obovate, ...
SPOT ON™ PINK is a Caucasian stonecrop with light pink, star-shaped flowers which usually open from mid July and flower for 3-4 weeks. They are a magnet for bees that feast on them. Evergreen leaves are small, narrowl ...
Globe is a stonecrop series developed by Henricus Maria Joseph Holtmaat from AB Cultivars in the Netherlands. All plants from the series are characterized by a neat, globular to dome-shaped habit and low growth. Globe Yello ...
Munstead Dark Red is a good old buddy in the world of orpines. We can call it a classic now as it gained so much well-deserved attention and praise, and is still among the top stonecrop varieties. It produces pale but darke ...
SEDUCTION® LA VIE EN ROSE is a stonecrop variety from the Seduction® series bred by the Dutch company Florensis. Yet before flowering, you will be impressed by its fabulous foliage. The medium green leaves are con ...
CHICK CHARMS® is a fascinating and beautiful series of hens and chicks including the award-winning gem Gold Nugget from 2017 that was bred by Chris Hanson and which emerges golden orange and red and shines like a real ...
Houseleek is in fact a plant of two genus - sempervivum and jovibarba. They are so similar that the trade does not really differentiate them, possibly also because sempervivum is an accepted synonym for jovibarba. Houseleek comes from mountainous regi ...
Rollies Favourite (syn. Rolly's Favourite) is a long flowering, eye-catching campion variety with rich pink flowers composed in terminal panicles atop 35-40 cm tall stems from early May until July. It was bred by Hubertus G ...
Maya is the sunshine of the second half of summer. It is a hybrid variety of cup plant that will offer the same beauty as the botanical species, but a much smaller height of not even a meter. It makes bright yellow, daisy-l ...
Skimmia is a very nice small shrub, often used as a groundcover. It comes from Japan and the Himalayas. It needs a shady spot or a semi-shade as it loses leaf colour and suffers from sunburn in full sun. In the spring it has clusters of tiny fragrant flowers. It needs well cultivated, permeable, aci ...
Golden Dwarf is a dwarf variety of golden rod valued for its abundant flowering in late summer. It produces fireworks of striking yellow, seedless, tiny flowers composed in terminal racemes on short stems. They are 40-50 cm ...
Winter Gold Japanese pagoda tree is a novelty brought by the new millennium. It produces vibrant shades of lemon yellow new leaves, and is decorated with rich golden yellow colour or twigs and branches in winter.
The pin ...
Mountain ash is a common tree in our country that is hardy and resistant. Autumn Spire is a columnar variety with slim crown and dense growth. It is most valued for its autumn foliage and profuse flowering.
It bears dec ...
Silver Carpet is a valued selection of lamb’s ears which produces masses of velvety soft foliage on fast-growing plants that will soon form an impenetrable carpet. The leaves are narrowly obovate, pale green covered w ...
Monier’s Alpine betony is an outstanding species of this interesting perennial. Most of other betonies are grown for attractive foliage, however, Hummelo is a special variety that offers not only pretty foliage but al ...
It is our utmost pleasure to offer this summer-blooming beauty: false camellia. It comes from moist woodlands of North America and eastern Asia (Japan, China, Vietnam, Nepal). It belongs to the same genus theaceae like camellia and tea.
Its main attraction are the flowers. They are 6-7 cm ...
Fragrant stewartia comes from South China (not to be confused with stewartia sinensis) and, as the name suggests, bears profusion of mildly fragrant flowers. Do not expect lilac's strength of perfume, just a faint, rose-like aroma. Flowers open from purple red buds ...
Feather grass comes from a country where it would definitely be called maravilloso as it comes from Mexico, Argentina, and can also be found in New Mexico and Texas in USA. Ponytails is a compact and a little shorter variet ...
Mel's Blue Stoke’s aster is a chance seedling found by Adrianus van Heesbeen from the Netherlands in 2007. Compared to the species Mel's Blue has more rounded habit, more stems that are stronger and produce more flowe ...
Fragrant snowbell is a large bush or a small tree which, in spite of its name, does not bear highly fragrant flowers. It is closely related to Japanese snowbell and comes from the same regions of Asia: Kor ...
Miss Canada is a big seller among Canadian lilacs. It bears brilliant pink flowers opening from red buds. Individual flowers are tubular and sweetly scented. Thanks to very compact growth it is ideal for grafting on half-standards as a small tree for small gardens. The differenc ...
Miss Japan is another variety of Canadian lilacs with Miss in its name. It recalls young and beautiful girls looking their best on stages where awards are given for the best appearance. Which is exactly the same case of this lilac – its flowers are light salmon-pink and op ...
Red Pixie lilac dates back to mid 20th century when Max Peterson of Ogallala Lilacs in Meadowlark Hill, Nebraska (USA) found a uniquely looking plant among other lilacs. He assumed it was a natural hybrid between two lilac ...
Redwine is a Canadian lilac of so far the deepest burgundy red colour. It sweetly scented flower are tubular, and formed in partially pendent panicles. The difference between these and common lilacs is that panicles of Canadian lilac are not as clustered as on common lilac, flow ...
Among Canadian lilacs you can also find one whose colour resembles common lilacs – thanks to its lavender or bluish-lilac flowers. Its name is Royalty. They are tubular, sweetly scented, formed in upright panicles and appear in abundance every year. The difference between ...
BLOOMERANG® Dark Purple is a hybrid lilac with dark lilac pink to light purple flowers and dark purple buds. They are tubular and composed in lose erect racemes, and open from mid May until early June and re-bloom from ...
Pink Perfume is a Dutch addition to the Bloomerang® series of re-blooming lilacs marketed by Proven Winners® in USA. The plant was bred by Andre Franciscus van Nijnatten from Zundert, the Netherlands, in 2003, and ...
Hungarian lilac has its origin in Rumania and obviously Hungary. It prefers cooler climates to perform well. Its sweet scented flowers are formed in upright panicles that are not as clustered as on common lilac. Their colour is pink. The individual flowers are longer and tubular and look some ...
Holger is a valued, white-flowering variety of Hungarian lilac. It forms 15-20 cm long panicles composed of small, elongated funnel-shaped, very fragrant flowers. It blooms later than the common lilac, usually from the seco ...
Meyer lilac comes from China and is a dwarf plant. Palibin is a variety with flower panicles that are just a little larger as opposed to the species. The colour of the flowers is lavender pink, the buds are burgundy purple. It grows very slowly, forming a dense mound, flowering ...
This variety was first introduced in the UK in 1954. The seeds came from Korea hence its name: Miss Kim, Kim being the most common name in Korea. The scented flowers are pure lavender-lilac colour, opening from darker purplish buds. They are formed in upright panicles that are not as ...
Andenken an Ludwig Späth (syn. Souvenir de Luis Spaeth) is a sought-after lilac variety mainly for its deep purple violet. The inflorescence is longer and narrower than on other commonly known varieties, made up of short, t ...
Belle de Nancy (The Beauty of Nantes) is one of over 200 lilac cultivars bred and introduced by a little-known French horticulturist Victor Lemoine. This one was introduced in 1891 and bears soft pink, semi-double flowers c ...
Charles Joly, despite its age, is possibly one of the most sought-after lilac varieties today. Its rich pink to pastel purple flowers are composed in a dense, erect panicle, they are very fragrant and open in early May for ...
Katherine Havemeyer lilac is another unique double-flowering variety producing much darker coloured buds than opened flowers. Its panicles can be erect or slightly pendent, they are shorter than those on other common lilacs ...
Michel Buchner along with Charles Joly are probably the most common lilac varieties in Czechia. The flower colour of Michel Buchner can vary considerably which makes it difficult to describe – it can be anything from ...
Paul Thirion is a beautiful lilac variety from France producing lilac pink, double flowers. They open from dark rose buds and are composed in 20-25 cm long panicles with an intensely sweet perfume. Blooming begins in the fi ...
President Lincoln is a common lilac variety with pale lavender violet flowers composed in about 25 cm long panicles with an intensely sweet perfume. They open from the first half of May for 2-3 weeks. Pruning is not needed ...
Sarah Sands lilac is a true eye-catcher with its vivid purple red flowers. They are composed in 20-25 cm long, erect panicles with an intensely sweet perfume. They open from the first half of May for 2-3 weeks. Pruning is n ...
Sensation is a variety with a perfect name. Its individual flowers are deep purple to violet with rich, white margins = an eye-catcher even for those who consider lilacs far too usual. They are strongly fragrant.
Stiff leaves are heart-shaped, upto 10 cm long, mid to dark green. Li ...
Minuet is a dwarf variety of Canadian lilac. It produces tubular, sweetly scented, light mauve flowers composed in erect panicles, coming out about 2 weeks later than flowers on common lilacs i.e. mid to end May. It grows s ...
This Persian lilac is a hybrid between syringa afghanica and syringa laciniata, moreover it received a variety name identical with the second parent: Laciniata. It has finely textured foliage – the leave ...