Exotics beginning with: A | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | O | P | Q | R | S | T | W | Y | complete list
Natchez is another hardy hybrid of crape myrtle. It has profusion of white flowers from mid summer. Deciduous leaves are 3-4 cm long, elliptic to obovate, very glossy, mid green in summer, turning red and orange in autumn. Older plants reveal cinnamon red flaking-off bark. Natch ...
Purple Magic is a showy crepe myrtle variety of compact (now dwarf) habit. It makes bright purple flowers with violet hues arranged in upright panicles, and appear, according to the quality of summer, from August to Septemb ...
Rhapsody in Pink is another crape myrtle novelty bred and introduced by Dr.Carl Whitcomb. It was first introduced in 2006 and has been a sought after crape myrtle since. It bears rich panicles of pure pink flowers on the background of burgundy red foliage. The inflorescence keep ...
Tuscarora is another successful cold-hardy lagestremia hybrid variety from the US National Arboretum. It has bright coral pink to scarlet red flowers composed in upright panicles and appear, according to the quality of the ...
World’s Fair is a short growing crepe myrtle variety producing arching branches on shrubs that seldom exceed one meter tall and some 1.5m wide. Bright pink flowers are composed in terminal racemes and open continuousl ...
BERRY DAZZLE® is another crape myrtle introduction by Michael A.Dirr from Georgia, USA. It is a chance seedling of Pocomoke from 2002 forming small, compact and very dense shrubs with bright fuchsia pink flowers, compo ...
ENDURING SUMMER® is an American crepe myrtle series bred by Joshua H.Kardos. The plants boast compact, rounded habit and excellent resistance to diseases. ENDURING SUMMER® RED ...
Fantasy is a fast-growing Japanese crepe myrtle variety. It makes white flowers arranged in short, upright panicles. They are not fragrant and appear, according to the quality of summer, from August to September in C.E. cli ...
Benoit is an Indian crepe myrtle variety with rich mauve purple flowers and attractive colouring of new leaves. The flowers are arranged in upright panicles, non-scented, and appear, according to the quality of summer, from ...
Catawba is an Indian crepe myrtle variety for those who love pastel colours. Its flowers are a quiet fusion of pink and purple in an almost dusky tone. The flowers are arranged in short, upright panicles, non-scented, and ...
Houston is a hardy variety of c
crape myrtle bred by American horticulturist David Chopin from Pennsylvania. It produces soft red, almost watermelon red flowers from late July or early August until the last sunny and warm ...
Petite Pink crepe myrtle belongs to the Petite series which means 'small' in French and that's exactly what all of its varieties are. Petite Pink has bright pink flowers composed in smaller racemes compared to tall varietie ...
Powhatan is an Indian crepe myrtle variety (not a hybrid) developed at the US National Arboretum. It is a compact, moderately fast-growing shrub or small tree with a dense, almost impenetrable canopy with slightly arching b ...
RHAPSODY IN BLUE is an attractive crape myrtle variety from the Play It Again® series introduced in 2022. The series comprises of varieties with double flowering on the same panicle and in a few cases dar ...
DYNAMITE® is one of the reddest crepe myrtle varieties currently known to trade. It belongs to the Play It Again® series which comprises of varieties with double flowering on the same panicle and in ...