
Happy New Year!31.12.2013
When I was 20 or so I loved everything I was doing. I enjoyed my time was that with friends or alone. But I never believed in conserving those moments in a photography. It seemed ridiculous to me trying to capture a moment of happiness with a lens. See - I was INCREDIBLY sagacious then. Time has passed and I began forgetting the experiences I went through and felt sorry about that. So I began making photos. Of the nature, at first. Then people around. And finally myself :-) Would you believe that I have no picture of myself from the time my parents stopped photogprahing us as kids until I was 25 or so? Except for the graduation one, it was way out of this world :-)

Why am I saying all that? Because I want to wish you all the best for 2014 and as it is physically impossibly to shake hands with all of you now, I decided to send you a bit of me in a picture. This one was made a few years ago when I was possibly the happiest man considering the last 10 years. And I will hope that some of my happiness captured in it will jump on you because joy IS contagious :-)

Have a great time, all of you, feel and understand, love and forgive, go always forward, and smile and laugh as much as you can. And miracles will happen, I promise! :-)

Milan Havlis
Garden at the turn of the year31.12.2013
Garden at the turn of the year31.12.2013
The weather here is fantastic. Very warm and sunny. The more beautiful it looks the more dangerous it gets for the evergreens in the garden. After a short inspection I came across this view - partially dehydrated foliage of bamboo-leaved oak. It is supposed to be fully evergreen and beautiful all year round. Touching the soil it is clear that it is very dry. So I took the watering cans and spent almost 2 hours watering the evergreen plants in my garden. If the frost came to dried roots it could cause severe damage. Except succulents and palm trees, if you grow the hardy ones outside, they require winter drought.
Pictures of 2013 ... "OMBRELLA"® silk tree30.12.2013
This year's summer was very sunny and warm, no wonder that silk trees were blooming like mad. This variety is called Ombrella and it has become one of the top five bestsellers.
Pictures of 2013 ... "OMBRELLA"® silk tree30.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "LATIFOLIA" chaste tree30.12.2013
Last winter was not so bad temperature-wise so we tried not to cut back this chaste tree which is a commonly suggested action every spring. We trimmed it only lightly and it appears that the shrub liked it. It grew much taller than usual and bloomed profusely. We shall see what will happen after this winter.
Pictures of 2013 ... "LATIFOLIA" chaste tree30.12.2013
Merry Christmas!24.12.2013
This is our Christmas tent for the kids. Do you remember when you were little how you liked hiding under the table or in other limited spaces? Being small just naturally calls for something smaller than large open space lounges. And a tent like this gives them a cosy feeling. Try it. You will be surprised how reluctant they will be to get out of it :-)

And Merry Christmas everyone!
Pictures of 2013 ... "SCANLON" red maple22.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "MARIE ROTTROVÁ" polyantha rose22.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... trident maple22.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... trident maple22.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "HEARTS OF GOLD" eastern redbud18.12.2013
Winter is here and with more time spent at a computer there is also time to show some of the huge quantity of pictures that we have not had time to post yet. No logical thread, chronology or deeper philosofy, we just upload one by one for you to look at :-)
Pictures of 2013 ... "BURGUNDY RED" astilbe18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "WHITE SURPRISE" bluebeard18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "AUREA" sweetgum18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "VARIEGATA" Portugal laurel18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "VARIEGATA" Portugal laurel18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "AMBER WHEELS" blanket flower18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... Portugal laurel18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... long-stalk holly18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "BLACK LACE"® elder18.12.2013
Pictures of 2013 ... "AUREA" Auistrian pine18.12.2013
December sun14.12.2013
I was on the phone with a few friends this morning and with an upbeat and happy tone in my voice I asked them how they were enjoying this lovely sunny day. Sadly, none of them shared my enthusiasm, and the question asked was "what's so nice about a foggy and miserable Saturday?". Pardon me, folks?What? Why? Oh! I see - I live a little higher where low clouds have had no chance of spoiling the sky today. So while my south-facing windows are bursting with sun my friends are drowning in misery of inversion.

So I got an idea - I will make a few fresh photos of this lovely day and combine them with those from last few weeks that I haven't had a chance to upload yet. Hopefully they will soothe your mist-covered spirits and bring back smiles to your faces :-) Enjoy, my dears!
Changes in the seasons14.12.2013
This is our beautiful wing nut along the pathway to our southern branch of our garden centre where I actually live. It looms over our rhododendrons and is so large that seldom anyone notices it which is a paradox. I must. Every now and then I look at it and am grateful for it as I had longed for it for such a long time before I managed to get me one. And I am also happy that when I got hold of it it was this multistemmed form.
Changes in the seasons14.12.2013
This is how it looks today after all leaves have fallen down, showing strong trunks and branches. Soon it will become a real monster :-)
Changes in the seasons14.12.2013
Like this one in the garden of the Třeboň Castle. It is so huge it can no longer be classified a woody plant but a dwelling :-) It has many trunks so wide apart that all you need to do is spread a tarpaulin in place of a roof and you have a wonderful summer cottage in a hippie style :-))) Come to think of it, possibly, if you were a hippie you would not be bothered about a roof anyway ...
Autumn colours14.12.2013
I love sweetgums. And I love posting their images. Any time of year and escpecially in autumn when their leaves turn all sorts of colours. They are not just pretty but long-lasting Rotundiloba is a variety with rounded lobes and its leaves resemble fig leaves.
Fig leaf?14.12.2013
Talking of figs, not long ago a watched a tv quiz where the question was "what leaf Adam and Eve used to cover their genitals?". Well, that is a piece of cake, I thought. It was not. They did not know. Fig leaves, of course! Which brings me to a picture of stunning display of flowering trumpet creepers that had never been publishable before. Because the photographer, wanting to catch the very moment of a perfect light, rushed in a bit too lightly dressed. Very lightly. Completely lightly, in fact :-) Just like Adam. So we will use his trick - a leaf. Of the sweetgum that resembles fig leaves. Voilá - now everything is ok, approved for all audiences :-))
Autumn colours14.12.2013
Back to autumn. This year we introduced a novelty among poplar trees - PURPLE TOWER eastern cottonwood. It makes large leaves that are rich burgundy red in summer and turn bright amber-orange in autumn.
Autumn colours14.12.2013
And while poplar leaves were turning yellow, COMPACTUM viburnum fruit was gaining red shades. They look so yummy that you want to pick up a few and taste them. No, they are not at the top of the best fruit list. Still, some sources (e.g. say that they were used in preserves as a substitute for cranberries. They are of zero toxicity but large amount lead to upset stomach and more ... So whatever larger amount means we do not suggest you eat them.
Autumn colours14.12.2013
This rare plant is called sourwood. It loves acid soil in which it makes such a glowing shade of briliant red in autumn, combined with creamy yellow racemes with seedpods.
Autumn colours14.12.2013
The closing picture of today's set of photographs is a Rubra variety of flowering dogwood. It has a profusion of flowers in early spring and amazing colour show of autumn foliage.
New goods for 201402.12.2013
Dearly beloved :-) We have just returned from the most important trade fairs around Europe and nurseries whose goods we will have the pleasure to offer you in the coming season of 2014. We will start uploading all the new stuff in our on-line catalogue day by day. But before we start, there is something you MUST see. A hedge in a small town in Italy. I was speechless when my eyes landed on the immense beauty of it. Can you tell what plant it is made of?
The temperature outside is enormous - almost 24°C which is a record for end October in this country. Still, we enjoyed it. And this kindness of weather allows us continue gardening. And our month of autumn sales is almost over - only 3 days to go so come and grab something nice :-)

This picture shows Římov dam. Would you believe that some 35 years ago it was a valley with cabins and cottages with a humble river in the middle?
Here you can see the old road leading to the valley. At the river bank you can see two tiny figures - I noticed there were two girls walking a dog.
Sumac (Rhus typhina). One of the most attractive small deciduous trees when it comes to autumn colours. Its varieties are even more colourful, like for example Tiger Eyes®.
Flat-stalked spindle tree (Euonymus planipes). What a catch. I never knew about this tree growing in a village closer to Třeboň and I have been driving down this road for almost 20 years now. The tree or rather a large shrub can easily be overlooked in summer but now wow. Look at the fruit in the next picture ...
"Burgundy" sweetgum has the brightest red and burgundy shades among all sweetgums.
We love to see these enthusiastically flowering little shrubs = cinquefoils. This yellow is called "Sommerflor".
This one is called "Red Ace", yet, I suppose it looks more orange than red ...
One of the recent rose introductions is called "Bonica"® and comes from Holland. It blooms profusely and very long.
Thanks to lovely and warm weather most of our roses in our garden centre are still blooming. Not heavily, obviously, but one or two flowers on almost each plant. This one is called "Fairest Cape" and comes from German breeders of Kordes Rosen.
Back to sweetgums for a while. This one was supposed to be rich red. Hence its name "Red Star" (or "Stared"). Oops, it turns rich yellow. Fantastic shade, but yellow. It has the correct leaf shape, tree habit, smooth bark and colour, just the leaves deny its name. Never mind. We like it anyway, don´t you? :-)
Today´s last picture is another sweetgum. This is "Théa" variety and I have a quiz for you: would you guess why this one was called Théa? A little hint: look at the autumn colour ... See ya! :-)
Autumn colours16.10.2013
What a lovely sight when you wake up in the morning and look out of the window. It does not matter that it looks like a cloudy day, the colours will make it up :-)
Autumn colours ... "HARMONY" oak-leaved hydrangea16.10.2013
Finally the sun came out and I managed to make a few photos of autumn leaves on oak-leaved hydrangeas. They are simply amazing. All of them with red tones apart from "LITTLE HONEY" variety which combines yellow and purple pink.
Autumn colours ... Japanese maple13.10.2013
Hello there all of you, how have you been today? It was a GORGOEUS Sunday, azure sky, warm sunshine all day, and fresh air with a certain sharpness that is so nice when falling asleep ...
Azure sky13.10.2013
When I say azure sky I mean this. When I was a kid they used to tell me that there, up in the sky, the ones who are in heaven are dancing on the clouds and having fun. I would stare there, expecting some of them to dance towards the very edge of some of the larger clouds, and look down upon me. I never saw anyone so I kept building up my imaginations and still now, when I look up and see a cloud like this, I remember my young days when I was absolutely convinced that there was someone up there who would surely take a moment to look down upon me and smile as in "cheer up, mate, we are fine here and you will be, too, one day" ...
Stromovka Park ČB ... pin oak13.10.2013
I decided to have a walk in the largest park of České Budějovice called Stromovka. It's been a long time since I was there last and to my pleasant surprise the park has changed towards the better, in fact, the best. After the unfortunate floods in 2002 when most of it was under water for so long that some trees had to be removed, it was reconstructed, new areas recultivated and added, and the place is no longer a space for drug addicts and homeless people but it is a home for everyone who wants to enjoy nature just 5 minutes from the city centre. New trees planted, new pathways, lawns perfectly maintained, and everything looks so clean and fresh that one might turn round the unfortunate flood into fortunate.
Stromovka Park ČB ... pin oak13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... pin oak13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... pin oak13.10.2013
IN some places I felt like in a fairy tale ...
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
... some roads were full of light and airy ...
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
... and others were dark and scary as if making the perfect scene for a witch flying through in her mortar :-)
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
Well, there were so many people around that no one needed to be afraid of a witches' gathering. So far. This year's Halloween is yet to come ... got your pumpkin already? :-)
Stromovka Park ČB ... acer campestre13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... acer campestre13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... "AUTUMN BLAZE" maple13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... "AUTUMN BLAZE" maple13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... fagus sylvatica "PENDULA"13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... "RED SUNSET" maple13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... "RED SUNSET" maple13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... carpinus betulus13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... nyssa sylvatica13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... acer saccharinum13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... acer platanoides13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... salix babylonica "AUREA"13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... red oak13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... red oak13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB ... "DAWYCK GOLD" columnar beech13.10.2013
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
What a lovely day, indeed.
Stromovka Park ČB13.10.2013
And before it was over I paid a visit to a restaurant where my friend works and where we supplied flower boxes with gauras this spring. They still look fantastic even though there was some frost already. What a satisfaction.
Autumn colours ... "NOVUSH" dwarf maple11.10.2013
Even though today's weather is something not even worth discussing there is one plant that made me get out my camera and shoot. "Novush" is a dwarf maple which usually turns butter yellow in autumn, however, this year it also reveals golden orange and some scarlet tones. Awesome sight!
Autumn colours11.10.2013
On the other hand, this continuous rain will clean everything and make the plants look fantastic especially now in autumn.
Autumn colours ... sweet gums11.10.2013
And our sweet gums are gorgeous as well. We sell many varieties and each of them is somehow unique and beautiful.
Autumn colours ... "BURGUNDY" sweet gum11.10.2013
This variety called "BURGUNDY" is probably the most eye-catching.
Autumn colours11.10.2013
Wow, sun at last! After the whole day of raining cats and dogs ...
Autumn colours ... "SCANLON" red maple11.10.2013
Autumn colours ... sweet gums11.10.2013
Aren't they just amazing in the setting sun?
Fruit ... "BONFIRE" dwarf peach08.10.2013
Owing to shorter spring (too cold March) many late fruiting plants are producing their crop only now. Such as these dwarf peaches. Their fruit is usually ready to pick up in mid September. This year they are maturing only now, and some of them were hit by light early morning frost which finished the maturing process and the fruit became mealy rather than sweet.

This variety has deep purple red leaves and fruit with white flesh. It is very nice and juicy with a slightly bitter skin.
Fruit ... "BONANZA" dwarf peach08.10.2013
This peach is also dwarf and bears medium large fruit with yellow flesh in September.
Fruit ... "OULLINS" greengages08.10.2013
This excellent greengage was picked up in August. More varieties were named in honour of French queen Claudia (Reine Claude) 1499–1524.

They are simply fantastic. Very sweet and juicy, not freestone which is a fact easy to excuse when their gorgeous juice is running from the corners of your mouth when picking them fresh off the tree on a hot summer day and you just can't get enough of them.

If you plan to freeze or can them you must pick them up when their colour changes to light green and they are still solid. When they turn honey yellow all you can do is sit under a tree and eat them all as they cannot be stored for longer than a couple of days. However, in this condition you can use them for preserves without a need to add any sugar.
Fruit ... black chokeberry08.10.2013
Just like rosehip, black chokeberry is best after the first frost. The taste becomes stronger without damaging the vitamins and other goodies inside. The fruit also contains pectin which is believed to protect organism against radiation so have a glass of black chokeberry juice and go and see Springield :-)
Organic greengrocer06.10.2013
We have only recently introduced our new greengrocer stand that is attached to our branch in Prague. The reason why we did that was to offer the highest quality fruit and veg that is seldom available in most supermarkets. And everyone who knows something about modern agriculture knows that the best quality comes from farmers who grow organic fruit and vegetables. Therefore we are most happy to bring the news that our stand now offers a wide range of these organic products from controlled ecological agriculture in the EU as well as overseas. We offer standard range of fruit such as apples, pears, plums, or tomatoes, but we also bring products from sunnier and hotter regions of Europe - grapes, honey dew melons, oranges and lemons, and we also stock overseas items like bananas and dates. The vegetable range includes the most popular sorts: lettuce, courgettes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, pumpkins, garlic, sweet corn, carrots and parsley. We tasted everything and it is SO nice and organic. Even more when you know that those who grew the products grew them with love and utmost respect towards nature.
Organic greengrocer06.10.2013
Organic greengrocer06.10.2013
Organic greengrocer06.10.2013
Autumn colours02.10.2013
Absolutely gorgeous weekend has waved good-bye to September and yesterday we welcomed October and everything it has to do with it: sunny days, cold nights, light frost on windscreens, and most importantly autumn colours on the trees.
Autumn colours ... pin oak02.10.2013
See? Isn't this an absolutely fascination imitation of fire?
Autumn colours ... Kentucky coffee tree02.10.2013
In contradiction this Kentucky coffee tree is like an advert for bananas we are selling only a few meters away in our greengrocer stand :-)
Autumn colours ... "SIBIRICA VARIEGATA" dogwood02.10.2013
Autumn colours ... "WORCESTER GOLD" bluebeard02.10.2013
Autumn colours ... "AMETHYST FALLS" wisteria02.10.2013
Autumn colours ... "CLEOPATRA" magnolia02.10.2013
This magnolia keeps on producing flower buds throughout the summer. They never open into a real flower but you can still enjoy the richness of the purple red colour.
Colours ... "BURGUNDER" blanket flower24.09.2013
Autumn is here and the first autumn day has brought better weather, thank God. When the sun is out we are out and so is my camera which gets filled with snapshots ... many snapshots ... so many ... oh my world, why do I take so many, now I feel the obsession to show them all to you, but when? :-) Well, if not today then it will have to be in winter when everything is covered with snow ...
Colours ... "BURGUNDER" blanket flower24.09.2013
Blanket flowers form thick, profusely flowering clumps, and even taller varieties can produce their stems in such an uncanny way that they support one another and protect themselves from falling.
Colours ... "GRAND BLEU"® bluebeard24.09.2013
On Sunday I went to see our colleague Monika from our Prague branch. She has a baby so we will not see much of her for some time. It is obvious that she has not got much time for gardening now, yet her small garden looks neat and lovely. This bluebeard is just behind the wooden gate, and since her garden is in a country cottage style that wheel in the background won't come as a surprise. It looks really stylish.
Colours ... "HERBSTFREUDE" stonecrop24.09.2013
I was impressed with what she did to the tiny and slim line of soil between the curb and wooden fence. There is not enough soil, a lot of snow and salt from the street in winter, and not enough moisture in summer. Stonecrop. Brilliant. Mixed with hostas. Healthy, strong, and colourful. Well done! What do you think?
Colours ... "HERBSTFREUDE" stonecrop24.09.2013
Colours ... "LADY OF SHALOTT" English rose24.09.2013
All I can say here is that I have never seen a more beautiful rose in golden orange colour. Bravo David Austin!
Colours ... "GAMBIT ROSE" gaura24.09.2013
Another perennial that keeps blloming from early summer until now is gaura. It needs plenty of sun and reasonably fertile soil. If it gets too tall in midsummer cut it in half, fertilize it well, and it will regenerate. Within two weeks you will get a tuft full of flowers again.
Colours ... "GEYSER PINK" gaura24.09.2013
Another variety we grow - this one has lighter pink flowers and equally beautiful tuft.
Colours ... "RUBYLACE" honey locust24.09.2013
And now a little bit of coppery brown. This honey locust changes its foliage colour several times throughout the season. Which one would you vote for as your top favourite? :-)
Fruit and veg21.09.2013
We have made another of our dreams come true this week - a greengrocer stand in our Prague garden centre. Why? Isn't it obvious that as gardeners we should offer not only fruit trees and shrubs, but also what they produce? :-) Well, many of us grow our own fruit and vegetables in our gardens and it is just a bad joke what most of the Czech stores and supermarkets offer under a sweet name "fresh produce". How come they can live with immature, plain-tasting, or even rotting fruit? How come people are buying them?

Fruit and vegetables is a demanding commodity, we are well aware of that. And the same way we care for our plants we are looking after the freshness and quality of our fruit and veg we will be selling in order to have you, satisfied customers come back regularly, maybe telling us how much you enjoyed a pie from our apples, how you relished on our ripe mangoe, or what a great salad you made for your guest from our fresh greens. Or simply shopping here happily, knowing that quality is our guarantee and whatever piece your hand lands on will be good.

Our assortments is mostly seasonal, including vegetables from Czech farmers as well as some a few exotics as we know that some of you could not exist without bananas, ripe mangoes, or sweet pineapples and we will have only good ones. We believe that you will find our offer tempting enough to reach us not just from around the corner. That your will find any journey worth coming to shop here. Be it half the city or half the republic. Looking forward to seeing you!
Fruit and veg21.09.2013
Fruit and veg21.09.2013
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Keeping flowering ...
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Chicory is the omnipresent perennial from dry meadows as well crevices between the roads and curbs. It will grow almost anywhere warm, sunny, and dry. It is classified as one of the most useful plants for its medicinal uses. We do not grow it in the garden but it is all around and so beautiful that I simply had to make a picture of it :-)
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
But if you like sky blue colour here we have something from inside the garden: hardy plumbago. This beautiful plant starts blooming in late July and continues until early autumn. It looks best with profusion of flowers in mid September.
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Would you like a few wow's and aah's? Well, here we go - this hardy hibiscus is sure to provoke them. It has extra large flowers os striking colours and overall it looks like a tropical plant. This variety is called Summer Storm and it is surprisingly a perennial.
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Rudbeckia missouriensis.
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
Garden like a picture card08.09.2013
One of our top favourite conifers - golden smooth cypress.
The last day of school holiday here has brought an excellent dose of rain in the morning after which sun came out and kept on shining on the bright pallete of flowers in our garden as well as in the garden centre. We grow a huge (really!) range of perennials in all possible colours and types from ground covering to the tall ones. There are blanket flowers, daisies, lupines, yarrows, mallows, larkspurs ... well, loads of them, indeed. Check the complete list here. We grow them for you in larger pots of minimum 2liters and bigger so you get a strong and healthy plant, profusely flowering. And if it finished blooming this year it will flower even more next year, our promise.
Ferns ... Japanese Rosy Buckler fern27.08.2013
Ferns ... shuttleshock fern27.08.2013
Exquisite summer25.08.2013
The amount of sunlight and heat we have had this summer has surely made our flowering plants perform better than ever, and the gardens obviously look just amazing. And as one of our speciality lines are THE summer flowering plants we are offering a few examples of what makes our garden look adorable just now.
Exquisite summer ... "CITY GARDEN" black-eyed Susan25.08.2013
Dwarf black-eyed Susan. Short stems, glowing golden yellow flowers, large leaves.
Exquisite summer ... "KOPPER KING" swamp mallow25.08.2013
Extra large flowers and purple red leaves.
Exquisite summer ... ORANGE butterfly weed25.08.2013
Exquisite summer ... "VARIEGATA" Japanese angelica tree25.08.2013
Would you believe that when this plant loses its leaves in autumn that only a bare thorny stick remains? Leaves on adult plants are 1-1.5 m long!
Exquisite summer ... "HOPI" crepe myrtle25.08.2013
Exquisite summer ... Chinese tulip tree25.08.2013
New leaves of this tree are dark burgundy red and mature leaves are 2-3 times bigger than a hand.
Exquisite summer ... "SUNDAE FRAISE" hydrangea25.08.2013
Exquisite summer ... "ASTRA BLUE" balloon flower25.08.2013
Exquisite summer ... "HOT CHOCOLAE" rough-leaved hydrangea25.08.2013
This is our new hydrangea introduction for 2013. And it is stunning.
Exquisite summer ... Oyama magnolia25.08.2013
This magnolia has brought us probably the biggest surprise this August. After we pruned it in late June it has made new shoots and plentiful of flowers in late August. Awsome sight.
New goods from Czech nursery19.08.2013
New goods for late summer season have just arrived and they are awesome. Check our new arrivals in our CATALOGUE dated 18.08.2013.
New goods from Czech nursery19.08.2013
At this time Russian sage is in full bloom with its rich violet buds and flowers, making a stunning colourful display for as long as 3 months.
New goods from Czech nursery19.08.2013
Just like every other garden enthusiast we love novelties and are happy to see that the latest additions that were introduced only last year are already available in our nurseries, too. Such as this extraordinary rough-leaved hydrangea HOT CHOCOLATE.
New goods from Czech nursery19.08.2013
Another sensation of 2013 is this PURPLE TOWER variety of eastern cottonwood. Its new leaves emerge rich burgundy red and glossy, and become as much as 3 times larger than a hand of an adult man.
New goods from Czech nursery19.08.2013
And since summer is in its second half it is the right time for heathers. Pink, rich red, white, and fiery orange and yellow are the most attractive colours of these autumn beauties.
Violet is divine ... "LACEY BLUE"® Russian sage18.08.2013
Well, it is to me. Isn't that so?
Violet is divine ... "BLUE CHIFFON"® rose-of-sharon18.08.2013
Violet is divine ... "LATIFOLIA" chaste tree18.08.2013
My preciousss :-)
Blooming now ... "SERENA" trumpet creeper18.08.2013
Swamp mallows at last!14.08.2013
August is here which is the right time for hardy hibiscus / swamp mallows. This year's first flower appeared on Baltimore Star which is one of the earliest. The others will follows soon as they all have plenty of buds.
Swamp mallows at last!14.08.2013
We have beautiful, strong, and healthy plants, many of which have 2 or even 3 stems.
Blooming now ... "PINK CASCADE" tamarix14.08.2013
Another fantastic plant for summer is this tamarix. Its rich pink colour of flowers cannot be passed by without noticing.
Daylilies? Yummy!12.08.2013
Very few people know that there are many flowering plants whose blooms are edible. Daylilies belong to them and their colourful flowers are an extraordinary addition to any summer salad or a beautiful decoration of a coctail.

(Attn.: according to leaves of daylilies may be hallucinogenic, therefore we recommend consuption of flowers of hemerocallis fulva and its hybrids only.)
Daylilies? Yummy!12.08.2013
Preparation is so easy - collect a few fresh blooms and remove them from stems keeping their calyxes. Cut these but do not throw them away - they contain nectar and are the sweetest part of the flower so add them to your salat. Get rid of the stamens and pistills. If the petals are too large cut them in two and the job is done. Now decorate your saled with them and be sure to see surprised faces of your guest.

Caution: do not consume a quantity unless you are used to eating various types of fruit and vegetables. You might end up rushing to the private room very soon :-)
Daylilies? Yummy!12.08.2013
Are you interested in a good salad recipe where daylily flowers will look and taste great? Here is my top favourite:

The main ingredient is lettuce (any kind). Chop 2-3 types of sweet and aromatic fruit (honey dew melon, mango, or peach), decorate with a few daylily petals and sprinkle with coarsely cut cashew nuts. Finish it with a few drops of a dressing - I mix sour cream with a hint of liqour or run and cranberry preserve. Delicious, believe me :-)

Bon apetit!
Pictures from you ... "FRANCOIS TREYVE" bull bay magnolia06.08.2013
Thanks for images of your plants you purchased in our nursery. We are as happy as you about their good growth.
Pictures from you ... "FRANCOIS TREYVE" bull bay magnolia06.08.2013
Pictures from you ... "ANGUSTIFOLIA" Portugal laurel tree06.08.2013
Blooming now ... "GEMO" St.John's Wort05.08.2013
This St.John's Wort is a lovely summer flowering shrib. It started blooming 2-3 weeks ago and will continue until early autumn. It makes profusion of rich yellow flowers and delicate, narrowly lance-shaped leaves.
Blooming now ... "GEMO" St.John's Wort05.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Fancy this - in spite of our weather forecast there was not a single raindrop falling down from the sky here in the south. Even though Prague was soaked wet early in the morning and the lightings danced flamenco here we woke up to another lovely and hot summer morning with clear blue sky. And a water hose in my hand to help our plants survive this terrible drought. Trying to remember, when did we last have a hot and sunny summer like this?
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Summer morning04.08.2013
Pictures from you ... "OMBRELLA"® silk tree02.08.2013
We are grateful for every picture you send us showing your gardening success with plants you purchased with us. Simona sent us a photo of their gorgeous silk tree they bought from us 3 years ago and were a bit afraid of their not so good soil conditions. And here it is, thriving and beautiful.

And this one is ours ... "OMBRELLA"® silk tree02.08.2013
We are sending a picture of our tree, too, grown in our shop in Prague. It has the most adverse conditions - strong winds, coldest part of this region, heavy compacted soil, and moreover its bark is heavily broken on 3 places. Yet it is growing like mad and makes this beautiful tree.
Blooming now ... "SUMMER BELLS" chitalpa30.07.2013
After the rain. At last we got some water from above. It was not the best type of rain that soaks in the scorched ground but a heavy rainfall where most of the water runs away down the drains. Anyway. The plants were too thirsty to be picky about the rain type so any water was good. Just make sure to check your ground in a couple of days - it might be dry again because as I checked our garden there are only a few centimeters of soil soaked with moisture.

As soon as I stopped examining the ground I looked up to enjoy the many shrubs and trees in flower. Especially chitalpas caugth my eyes. They were very late this spring and seemed almost dead for a long time. Now they are making it up, flowering like mad and making so many new shoots. The flowers are unique - orchid-like, soft pink and very fragrant. Aren't they just beautiful!
Blooming now ... "SILOAM NUGGET" daylily30.07.2013
Daylily time. There are plenty, all of them beautiful. Mostly on short or medium-sized stems, always strong and large flowers of stunning colours.
Blooming now ... "CHICAGO APACHE" daylily30.07.2013
Very rich velvety royal red. You must see it to believe it.
Blooming now ... "DARLA ANITA" daylily30.07.2013
Blooming now ... "BLACKBERRY CANDY" daylily30.07.2013
Blooming now ... "AMADEUS" daylily30.07.2013
Sometimes customers refuse to believe that what is in the pictures will become reality, especially when seeing a slightly paler flower colour on a potted plant. They believe that the images are photoshop manipulated. I can understand them totally. I myself witnessed many photographs where the colours or shapes were so rich and surreal that it should be illegal. We do not do that. Our photographs show true reality of plants cultivated in Central Europe, zone 5b-6b, heavier and sometimes wet soil, mostly slightly alcaline.

It does take some time, often 2-3 years, also for an easy plant like a daylily to establish well, reach out for nutrients and only then showing its assets. When we first got this variety I was not very enthusiastic about it. Sort of a pale red, common flower shape. Now, 3 years from planting I am thrilled with it! It manifests such a beautiful red shade and solid shape. It is really worthy waiting :-)
Isn't this summer fantastic?
Blooming now ... "CAMBRIDGE SCARLET" beebalm23.07.2013
Blooming now ... "AUREA" Indian bean tree20.07.2013
Owing to very cold spring a lot of flowering plants are falling behind their flowering schedule. It is the second decade of July already and these catalpas are only beginning to bloom here. Late but beautiful :-)
Blooming now ... "AUREA" Indian bean tree20.07.2013
Blooming now ... "PURPUREA" Indian bean tree20.07.2013
Yet a more prolific bloomer - PURPUREA variety with deep purple red new leaves.
Poppy field14.07.2013
Czech fields can look so beautiful! Especially those here, in the south (sorry for bragging :-). This year there is not colza (exceptionally ...) but poppy. No wonder there were plenty of cars stopping on their way Č.Krumlov, Lipno, or further south to make a few family photos among the gorgeous flowers.

Poppy field14.07.2013
I remembered a phrase from na old story by two Czech humourists Šimek&Grossmann:

"When I asked the good old woman why she goes picking up the poppy heads when yet immature she said 'in order to make everyone on Earth happy'..." :-)))
Czech fields14.07.2013
Czech fields14.07.2013
Red clover.
Our shop in Chlumec10.07.2013
For the past few weeks we were sweating and building to improve our shop in the southern branch. Now it is finished and we are very happy about it. Come and see us to check what's new and tell us if you like it or not :-)
Our shop in Chlumec10.07.2013
The main issue was to find a larger place for the evergreens which come in a wider range and bigger quantity every year in order to offer the best assortment of plants for all year round effect. We moved them next to our conifers, where fruit trees and shrubs used to be. These were moved closer to the entrance so you can pick up a raspberry, cherry, or a peach just as you enter our premises :-)
Our shop in Chlumec10.07.2013
In the former location of the evergreens there are speciality and rare plants now, along with summer flowering shrubs like crepe myrtle and butterfly bush, and above those the widest selection of sweet gums we have ever had :-)
Our shop in Chlumec10.07.2013
And loads of flowers, of course! Perennials have become our passion and the number of species and varieties gets bigger and bigger every year. There is a perennial for almost every season of the year.
Conifers are still very popular as you seem to have the best knowledge about them. Every spring we come up with a few novelties which do not come in big volume so they tend to sell out rather quickly. Still, we keep a high stock of other attractive conifers so we have a lot to offer in summer and autumn as well.
Our shop in Chlumec10.07.2013
Co call by. If you have your eyes wide open you will definitely not leave empty-handed :-)
Blooming now ... "NEON" rose09.07.2013
One of my most favourite evergreen plants. Attractive foliage texture, lovely habit, rich green colour, and excellent hardiness in zone 6.
Blooming now ... Ozark coneflower09.07.2013
Blooming now ... "BURGUNDER" blanket flower09.07.2013
Weed in the meadow ... but beautiful :-)09.07.2013
Low wall09.07.2013
Blooming now ... "MUNSTEAD WOOD" rose09.07.2013
Incredibly dark shade of burgundy red colour and strong forest fruit fragrance.
Blooming now ... "CLEOPATRA" desert candle05.07.2013
Desert candle is a top perennial. It makes these beautiful candles with rich orange flowers in early summer.
Blooming now ... "SUMMER BLUES" dwarf larkspur05.07.2013
Ever since we had this dwarf larkspur for the first time it has been the best selling variety. No wonder. It bears such lovely sky blue flowers that not many other plants can compete. And it is a small plant that will fit any garden bed.
Blooming now ... "FAIREST CAPE"® rose05.07.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "RUBRA"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are evergreen shrubs, typical for our nursery. They are beautiful and hardy. Blooming time is between spring and summer, filling the gap between rhododendrons and summer flowering shrubs and perennials. Their flowers have many colour shades and combinations of white, light and deep pink, rosy red, purple red, wine red, crimson red, maroon, and almost burgundy black.
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "GINKONA"25.06.2013
Ginkona produces the biggest flowers that have been bred so far.
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "Ostbo Red"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "Bull's Eye"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "Myrtifolia"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "KALEIDOSCOPE"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "GNOM"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "GALAXY"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "CAROUSEL"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "OLYMPIC FIRE"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "MITTERNACHT"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "PINWHEEL"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "PINK FROST"25.06.2013
Mountain laurels are blooming ... "MINUET"25.06.2013
Umbrella magnolia is another favourite tree of mine. It produces huge leaves on top of thick branches that look like umbrellas hence its common name. I love this monster and don't worry - it doesn't get too large to fit a mid-sized garden. But it is definitely worth finding a place for.
Black Sea holly22.06.2013
I am more and more fascinated by the beauty and hardiness of this Black Sea holly. We got a small plant for testing just a few years ago and it has proved to be very hardy, even after the last two harsh winters. It makes large leaves that are not spiny, and a strong bush which looks great wherever you put it.
Blooming now ... Chinese sweetshrub22.06.2013
For collectors and lovers of special plants. This Chinese sweetshrub has just opened its gorgeous creamy white flowers from pink buds. The leaves are large and soft green.
Beautiful weather at last!17.06.2013
Is it a typical feature of Czech mentality or is it common worldwide that one is never satisfied with what he has and always bitches about it as in "it is too cold and rainy today", and when the sun is out he complains again "god almighty why is it so hot today" etc.? Such people must have such difficult lives not enjoying what is here and now.

Anyway, I must admit it has been very hot today. Still, what else to expect in mid June, right? I love sun and warmth, especially when I can cool myself down a bit in a swimming pool or under a garden shower.

Water is as important for us as it is for our plants which scream for it every morning like hungry baby birds. And when they have enough they continue behaving themselves like good boys and girls, showing off their best assets such as flowers, new leaves, or fruit. And so that you can enjoy their good manners with me here, a few of them were willing to pose for me today :-)
Blooming now ... "PINACOLADA Dark Rose" beard-tongue17.06.2013
Blooming now ... broom17.06.2013
Blooming now ... "SUMMER SUN" late azalea17.06.2013
Blooming now ... "MOLINEUX" English rose17.06.2013
Blooming now ... "VICTORIA" weigela11.06.2013
Preciousss ... "VARIEGATA" dogwood11.06.2013
wing nut11.06.2013
Blooming now ... "MARTHA HITCHCOCK" azalea11.06.2013
Evergreen beauties ... "ANGUSTIFOLIA" Portugal laurel11.06.2013
These features make Portugal laurel our best selling evergreen plant.
Evergreen beauties ... wheel tree11.06.2013
Evergreen beauties ... "RED ROBIN" Fraser photinia11.06.2013
Evergreen beauties ... David's photinia11.06.2013
Blooming now ... "MARJORIE" weigela11.06.2013
Blooming now ... "ROYAL PURPLE" smoke bush11.06.2013
Blooming now ... "ROYAL PURPLE" smoke bush11.06.2013
Flowering at last11.06.2013
Wow, here it is. The very first flower of an unusual cross between magnolia tripetala x obovata. The flower IS truly unique, not identical to either of the parents. So I am glad that this hybridizing (not ours) is a success. Do you like it?
Blooming now ... Watson's magnolia11.06.2013
Blooming now ... "GLAUCA" magnolia11.06.2013
Raining cats and dogs ...02.06.2013
Constant rain that has lasted more than 3 days now has brought danger of floods in many parts of our country. Some places have began evacuation of families living at the lowest parts near rose rivers. The rain seems to have stopped for a while and only showers are forecast for the next two days. Still, rivers will keep on rising for a couple of days and will reach the peak tonight or tomorrow. We wish all of you who are closest to the danger zones to overcome this as soon as possible and with minimum impact.
Open Sesame!02.06.2013
Would you like to share our excitement from a newborn plant? Well, this plant is about 7 years old in fact, but it has never bloomed. Not until this year when it has made this (one) lovely flower bud. It is a cross between magnolia tripetala nd magnolia obovata so we can't wait to see the flower!
Open Sesame!02.06.2013
And this beauty waiting for its time to open is Watson's magnolia.
Open Sesame!02.06.2013
And this raceme belongs to a rare plant called yellow wood. It is the very first time it sets flowers and I recon it is at least 10 years old. And I think I know why. In early spring, before the leaves emerged, I cut off one lateral branch that was in a way. For two weeks the plant shed sap. Now that I check what part of the tree is making flower buds it is clear that only the part where the branch was taken off. So this is how to make a plant bloom! Please don't take it as an instruction :-)
Yellow wood02.06.2013
The whole tree.
Open Sesame!02.06.2013
While "PERKIN'S PINK" variety blooms as a very young plant, see how small it is and it has at least 15 racemes. And it grows very slowly.
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies are woody shrubs bearing peony flowers. They are also called Japanese peonies as they are essential in Japanese gardens but in fact, they are popular all around the world in gardens of mild climate. They are reliable, hardy and when in full bloom they are just gorgeous. The leaves are deeply lobed and turn fascinating colours in autumn.
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Tree peonies02.06.2013
Blooming right now ... "PROFUSION" crabapple12.05.2013
New leaves ... "SUMMER SORBET" bluebeard12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "CAMEO Blue and White" columbine12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "APRICOT QUEEN" barberry12.05.2013
Did you know that barberries could make flowers attractive enough to be admired? Aspecially these evergreen hybrids make eye-catching rich orange flowers.
Blooming right now ... "NANA" box-leaved barberry12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "SILVESTER" Japanese azalea12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "YELLOW BIRD" magnolia12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "GIRARD'S FUCHSIA" Japanese azalea12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "RUBRA" dogwood12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "PRIMROSE" lilac12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "AUDREY BLUE" aubretia12.05.2013
Blooming right now ... "LAVENDER TWIST"® Eastern redbud12.05.2013
Empress tree05.05.2013
I remember long time ago I got an e-mail saying "I wonder what positions you must sometimes get yourself into making snapshots we see on your website". Well, true. Quite often I have to give up the cleanliness of freshly ironed clothes, or climb up unstable ladders which is the case of this fantastic empress tree flowers. The very first this year. I suppose anyone who is as mad about plants as me would do the same, am I right?
Dwarf peach trees05.05.2013
Dwarf peach trees are incredibly popular in our garden centres. No surprise. These small plants are covered with masses of flowers in early spring, and then their crowns become impenetrable thanks to handsome foliage. These peach trees come in two groups: in the first one there are plants making delicious fruit, and plants in the other one make edible fruit, too, but it needs to be very mature so that their flesh is sweet enough to beat the somewhat bitter skin. In either case these dwarf trees are extremely attractive and our customers often do not bother about the fruit quality as they want the plant to become a highly decorative item in their gardens.
Dwarf peach trees05.05.2013
Red Peachy
Dwarf peach trees05.05.2013
Dwarf peach trees05.05.2013
Flowering trees28.04.2013
This week has changed faces of many of our cities. The avenues and parks came alive with billions of cherry blossoms and magnificent cups of saucer magnolias. It is a pity that in public places only the Soulangeana type is common. Hopefully in the near future also the yellow and deep purple flowering varieties will decorate our streets
Flowering trees28.04.2013
prunus "Accolade"
Flowering trees28.04.2013
Flowering trees28.04.2013
magnolia x soulangeana
Flowering trees28.04.2013
magnolia x soulangeana "Rustica Rubra"
Flowering trees28.04.2013
Flowering trees28.04.2013
magnolia "Wada's Memory"
Flowering trees28.04.2013
magnolia x loebneri "Léonard Messel"
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
Been a long time since we met here, right? Well, the last picture we showed was full of snow and we were full of anger that March had passed and winter was still dominating our country. But last weekend came a breakthrough - spring has come eventually and filled our gardens with warmth and sunshine. Everything is bursting and trying to catch up.

Magnolias are the first trees to flower and this year it looks very likely that we will enjoy their beauty without any frost damage.
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
And this Benishidore Japanese apricot is also among the first.
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
And warm areas in the woods are violet from hepatica.
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
Cornelian cherry. Lovely clusters of rich yellow flowers in early spring.
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
Lily-of-the-valley shrubs are also very eyrly flowering plants. Their racemes of white, pink or red fragrant flowers attract bumble bees. This is Katsura.
Spring AT LAST!21.04.2013
Old friend :-)
Happy Easter! ... or merry Christmas??01.04.2013
Hello to everyone from the south of the Czech Republic. Well, it is Easter, and All Fools' Day at the same time. Looking out of the window, one would easily believe the latter ... How are we supposed to rise our spirits if the weather is a bit of a torture? I bet even Jesus would not have come alive if he had known it was so cold outside ...

The cause for all this is allegedly global warming. Huge amounts of snow and ice in the North that worked as a barrier for cold winds are melting and we are more and more exposed to unusual swings and prolonged winters. Well, seems like we will have to get used to it, won't we?

Anyway, Easter is a happy holiday and even though the French movie of the same name is not on this year let's enjoy it in spite of how many degrees our thermometers show, shall we?
A titmouse on organic diet :-)24.03.2013
In a quiet house on a Sunday morning I hear a ticking and tapping noise from the kitchen windown. This happens when I am sitting at the computer, stuck to the monitor quite unwillingly, really, because what else can a gardener do if the temperature outside is still -7°C and it is 9 a.m. 24th of March!? We have a temperature record from Karlova Studánka (N.E. of Czech Republic) - nearly -20°C!! This is NOT normal. It would be normal to watch snowdrops, snowflakes and crocuses bloom, and breathe in fresh spring air.

However, back to the noise. Creeping slowly to the kitchen window I know what it is. A bunch of titmice hunting in a bowl of nutshells. I got used to leaving broken walnut shells in a large plastic bowl just outside the window because these birds with their small and skillful beaks can get the smallest bits from the shells which I did not manage to crack.

They carefully sort the clean ones out and throw them away to be able to get deeper. Early this week the bowl was almost full. Now there is less than a quarter, leaving the rest of the shells on the apron, bellow the window and practically all over the garden - they grab a larger piece and fly away to peck it out somewhere in peace. Summed up - a mess. All over the place. Just one thing leaves my mind at rest - the shells are so clean that I needn't be afraid that the garden would soon be overtaken by walnut trees :-)
A titmouse on organic diet :-)24.03.2013
I do admit I like watching them feast on my kitchen window. Since I eat quite a lot of walnuts they always have plenty to enjoy, too :-) I suppose there are at least 10 or even 12 titmice here. There is a cherry laurel tree beside the window and they gather there as if queuing up for their turn. Only 2 birds fly into the bowl at a time, spend just a few seconds there and then clear out for another pair. Only seldom they fight and that probably because one of them decided to stay longer :-)

I often hear complaints from our customers saying how all sorts of birds make a mess in their neatly mulched garden beds. Well, of course they do when searching for worms and other plant enemies. We should be grateful for that though I know it takes some time to clean the place after their breakfast :-) Imagine these little creatures are like kids - they often make a bigger mess and still deserve the love :-)
Something to warm you up24.03.2013
I got a great idea - come and have a look at pictures that are filled with sun and warmth. I have created a brand new gallery of photos I made during my holidays at Ischia island in 2007. They have a gorgeous botanical garden La Mortella. I must say that this is probably the most beautiful garden I had ever seen.
It's the middle of March and the weather keeps bugging us with freezing temperatures every night. At least the sun is out all day so we can warm up a little during the day :-) Anyway, the forecast promises that this shall be the last cold weekend of this winter and starting Monday we can get ready for the real spring. I would lie to say we are not anxious ...
One of the most beautiful and hardy hollies.
Opening right now01.03.2013
Welcome again in the new gardening season 2013. We are happy to meet all of you, new and returning vititors and customers, friends and enthusiasts.

The finishing winter has been quite good, I suppose. Not too harsh, not any extremes and a good portion of rain right in its middle which was a great help especially because the ground got frozen just few days after.

And seeing glittering icy caps in various places of our countryside, as well as in towns, is quite normal for early March, too. Though, in our garden centres it complicates things a little ... :-)
Opening right now01.03.2013
Snowdiving is therefore our very first event this year, and may be followed by swimming for those who have developed an icebreaker instead of a nose :-)
Opening right now01.03.2013
Well, on the other hand some early flowering plants benefit from having pure white background. Just like this "Jelena" witch hazel. It hs been flowering since January now and as soon as the sun comes out it unrolls its spider-like fiery orange flowers and looks absolutely stunning. When the temperature rises after lunch you can smell it lovely fragrance.
Opening right now01.03.2013
Apart from a few expectional flowers what we enjoy most of all at this time of year are evergreen plants whose colour is getting richer day after day. And in this field boxleaved hebe is a masterpiece as it does not change its rich green colour and remains this fresh green even in winter.
Opening right now01.03.2013
But also the deciduous garden has its highlights which are best viewed in winter. Such as this winged euonymus. The wings are beautiful, quite big to be seen but luckily too small to enable the plant fly away :-)

And there is obviously much more to see and enjoy so come and visit, we are looking forward to seeing you all!
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
The time had come for another Shrivetide and we celebrated it yesterday. The village was full of masks, loud music, alleged Jews asking for money or confiscating houses ... usual fun :-) I was struck by the beauty of these two witches. They were so beautiful that I did not notice they put a spell on the tea I prepared for the carollers, all of a sudden it tasted like rum ...
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
See - everything was though through. In case of emergency, there were lovely and ready to help nurses ...
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Do you know how it works here? First, a bunch of Jews come knocking on your door asking you to pay for yourself, to be let among others in the parade, so that they dance a round for you and wish you a prosperous new year. See how fearsome they can look - see the face of the guy on the right whose house is not in question ...
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Shrovetide 201303.02.2013
Snow is falling down ...21.01.2013
The Christmas was not white at all which means that January will be completely packed with snow. Here it is - 40 cm of excellent powder snow, best for skiing, worst for driving. Not speaking of clearing the pavements, though. But still, isn't it lovely just to look at it? :-)
Snow is falling down ...21.01.2013
Like sugar coating, right? Snow can be beautiful to watch if it does not complicate thing on roads, runways, or anywhere else ...
Finally winter14.01.2013
So here we are - in the middle of true winter. Yesterday's sunshine was lovely though quite chilly and today has brought a load of fresh, clean snow that keeps falling and falling and falling ... Before this white thing happened I managed to make a few shots of icy garden. Enjoy!

"LOVITA" leucothoe is a low, evergreen shrubs whose leaves turn rich red for winter, and look even better with soft rime.
Finally winter14.01.2013
"JELENA" witch hazel is one of the earliest varieties to bloom in January if the sun is strong enough. And if the frost is not too harsh later on it will continue blooming as soon as the weather gets better again.
Finally winter14.01.2013
Cinnamon-leaved viburnum is an evergreen shrub with large leaves that resemble cinnamon tree. In winter they are enhanced with deep purple red stalks.
Finally winter14.01.2013
If looking for vibrant colours in winter "AUREOVARIEGATA" white cedar is th top plant. Its golden yellow foliage is unmissable.
Finally winter14.01.2013
It is very difficult to tell under what conditions this Japanese cedar remains green in winter. Definitely not in my garden :-) As soon as the winter begins it turns rusty orange and brown which does look nice among other evergreen plants, but one might like to see a little more of green :-) Truth is, my soil is quite compacted and wet which is one the most important issues for all evergreen plants. Is your plant still green? Why don't you send us a picture!
Finally winter14.01.2013
Well, that's it for today. Have a nice winter and don't forget - in the NEWS section you will find newly added plants every day so check them out frequently not to miss anything :-)
LARGE PLANTS over 150 cmspecimens, screening and hedging shrubs

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