Iberis ‚Ibsz0007‘ MERMAID LAVENDER
Iberis ‚Ibsz0007‘ MERMAID LAVENDER
SIZE/TYPE | low or groundcovering |
low perennial | |
USUAL HEIGHT | 0.2-0.3m |
USUAL WIDTH | 0.3-0.4m |
LEAVES | evergreen broadleaf |
FLOWERS | showy |
BLOOMING TIME | June - July |
LOCATION | full sun |
SOIL TYPE | neutral to alkaline |
SOIL MOISTURE REQUIREMENTS | evenly moist but well-drained |
USDA zone (lowest) | 5b (down to -27°C) |
FOR ZONE 5+6 | |
FOR ZONE 7 | |
Perennials Evergreen broadleaf |
Candytuft is a low growing, evergreen perennial, often used as a ground-covering plant. MERMAID LAVENDER is a variety bred in 2015 in the Netherlands by Silvan Adelmar Kamstra for Syngenta Europe. It is protected by patent No’s PP34308 (USA - 2022) and EU 62912 (Europe - 2023).
MERMAID LAVENDER is a beautiful, evergreen, and low growing candytuft variety producing short, f low growth with upright stems 20-30 cm high, topped with large inflorescences 4-5 cm across. The flowers are bright lilac pink and their colour does not bleed. In fact, quite the opposite: as the flower matures, the colour becomes more saturated. It is a cross between a hybrid lavender and i. umbellata, which naturally produces pink flowers, but it lacks the nice habit that MERMAID LAVENDER exhibits. The plants dense, compact, and mounding.
The main flowering starts in June and if you prune the plant in half after that, it will come back within a couple of weeks, producing a denser clump and another flush of flowers in late summer. The leaves are dark green, shortly lanceolate and conspicuously notched at margins.
Candytuft is cultivated in well-drained but moist soil of neutral to alkaline pH. It loves full sun. Like most mat-forming perennials this one, too, will benefit from light trimming after flowering. It will help it remain compact and bushy. MERMAID LAVENDER candytuft is hardy to about -25 °C (USDA zone 5b).
Last update 29-06-2023
MERMAID LAVENDER is a beautiful, evergreen, and low growing candytuft variety producing short, f low growth with upright stems 20-30 cm high, topped with large inflorescences 4-5 cm across. The flowers are bright lilac pink and their colour does not bleed. In fact, quite the opposite: as the flower matures, the colour becomes more saturated. It is a cross between a hybrid lavender and i. umbellata, which naturally produces pink flowers, but it lacks the nice habit that MERMAID LAVENDER exhibits. The plants dense, compact, and mounding.
The main flowering starts in June and if you prune the plant in half after that, it will come back within a couple of weeks, producing a denser clump and another flush of flowers in late summer. The leaves are dark green, shortly lanceolate and conspicuously notched at margins.
Candytuft is cultivated in well-drained but moist soil of neutral to alkaline pH. It loves full sun. Like most mat-forming perennials this one, too, will benefit from light trimming after flowering. It will help it remain compact and bushy. MERMAID LAVENDER candytuft is hardy to about -25 °C (USDA zone 5b).
Last update 29-06-2023