Yulan magnolia is the most spectacular species among white flowering magnolias. The flowers are snow white and appear on bare branches in April. The bark is quite dark and offers a nice contrast to the flowers.
Deciduous leaves are oval to obovate, upto 15 cm long, mid green of a shade that remai ...
It was in 1826 when the very first bloom of this famous saucer magnolia came into the world. It was bred by French botanist Etienne Soulange-Bodin who 6 years before that success made a cross between m.denudata and m.liliflora. It blooms on bare branches with beautifully scented, gob ...
Susan magnolia has narrow, goblet-shaped flowers of deep pink, nearly red colour outside and slightly lighter red inside. This is the reddest coloured variety among spring magnolias. It flowers reliably already when young. It does not require pruning at all. As it has flower buds at the ends ...
Umbrella magnolia is a unique plant of its species. It is quite unusual though easy to grow. Its main feature are exotic-looking, large leaves that can grow 30-45 cm long. Their colour is mid-green flashed with bronze from spring to early summer. They are soft and slightly hairy beneath, crow ...
Felix magnolia, also called Felix Jury, is a recent introduction by Mark Jury, and a gorgeous hybrid named after his late father who fortunately lived to see its first flowers, but not its worldwide success a few yea ...
Mainacht (syn. May Night) is a hybrid between salvia nemorosa and salvia pratensis. It is a clump forming perennial with 50-60 tall spikes of deep indigo blue flowers from May until early July. Leaves are mid green, lanceolate, wrinkled, and so ...
Ostfriesland (East Friesland) is a flat lowland in North Germany, renowned for fertile soil and mild, humid climate which is why there are a lot of nurseries. No wonder that this wood sage received the same name, rememberin ...
Schneehügel means 'A Heap of Snow' and this German wood sage variety is exactly what the name suggests. A small and compact variety of wood sage, whose stems usually do not exceed 40 cm in height and a single plant is about ...
SENSATION® is a superb new perennial salvia series. All of its varieties are truly sensational offering low, very dense and compact habit with profuse flowering. Sensation® White< ...
Rose Marvel is another unique woodland sage variety from Christa Kievit with extremely large, right purple pink flowers, possibly the largest we’ve seen so far on any woodland sage. They open from deep burgundy red ca ...
Blue Spire is a hybrid between two types of perovskia. It was first introduced to RHS in 1961 and since late 80´s it has been in cultivation in most of the world with mild climate. It is a very hardy plant originally found in Central Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan) but is successfu ...
Purrsian Blue is a compact variety of catmint bred by Kevin Hurd from Walters Gardens, USA, in 2009. It naturally makes dense, cushion-like clumps with 30-40 cm tall, deep purple blue stems holding rich violet blue flowers ...
NEPTUNE® is an exquisite variety of Kuban catmint from the Kuban Peninsula of Caucasus. An amateur gardener might say that it looks like a merge between Blue Boa agastache and blue dead nettle, and he can't be blamed. ...
Holger is a valued, white-flowering variety of Hungarian lilac. It forms 15-20 cm long panicles composed of small, elongated funnel-shaped, very fragrant flowers. It blooms later than the common lilac, usually from the seco ...
Pink Perfume is a Dutch addition to the Bloomerang® series of re-blooming lilacs marketed by Proven Winners® in USA. The plant was bred by Andre Franciscus van Nijnatten from Zundert, the Netherlands, in 2003, and ...
Andenken an Ludwig Späth (syn. Souvenir de Luis Spaeth) is a sought-after lilac variety mainly for its deep purple violet. The inflorescence is longer and narrower than on other commonly known varieties, made up of short, t ...
Belle de Nancy (The Beauty of Nantes) is one of over 200 lilac cultivars bred and introduced by a little-known French horticulturist Victor Lemoine. This one was introduced in 1891 and bears soft pink, semi-double flowers c ...
Michel Buchner along with Charles Joly are probably the most common lilac varieties in Czechia. The flower colour of Michel Buchner can vary considerably which makes it difficult to describe – it can be anything from ...
This variety was first introduced in the UK in 1954. The seeds came from Korea hence its name: Miss Kim, Kim being the most common name in Korea. The scented flowers are pure lavender-lilac colour, opening from darker purplish buds. They are formed in upright panicles that are not as ...
Aurea is a sweetgum variety with varigated leaves showing irregular splashes of yellow. They turn pink and purple in autumn.
In gardens with limited space for roots it seldom grows taller than 10m, however, in parks and in southern countries you may encounter much taller and obviously very ...
If you like sweetgum and you are afraid of its size in maturity try this one. Gum Ball is a great variety with dwarf growth and reduced size. After 10 years it can grow to some 2.5m with a total of 3m in maturity. Its crown is quite regular even without pruning.
The leaves are iden ...
Slender Silhouette is a beautiful sweetgum which could be your perfect choice for a small garden or a miniature front yard. A 5m tall plant seldom exceeds 1m wide. It is a slow growing version of sweetgum with strictly upright and columnar habit. The leaves are quite large, con ...
Giant angelica is a bold-leaved perennial with very unusual flowers. They are formed in deep purple-red umbels, borne on 1.5-1.8m tall, strong stems, and appear from late July until early September. Leaves are large, divided in the manner that they look like palmat ...
is one of the first (or possibly the very first) variegated mutation of Japanese angelica tree which probably explains it rather botanical, charmless name. Nonetheless the plant itself is charm impersonified! ...
Rozannie is an elegant variety of Japanese aucuba. Some might think that it looks too ordinary compared to the other varieties with coloured leaves but the truth is that not every landscape needs a splash of variegated foliage. Rozannie is a compact aucuba shrub with deep green, ...
Amoena is a Japanese azalea with small to mid-sized, bright, deep fuchsia pink flowers, hose in hose, that totall cover the plant when in full bloom. They come out in mid May and continue until early June. Thanks to their bright colour it will light up the daker corners of your ...
Another red flowering Japanese azalea from Hans Hachmann was bred in 1987 and was named Fridoline. It has medium-sized flowers: 4-4,5 cm wide of bright red colour. It blooms in late spring, from end May until mid June. Slow grower, mound-forming.
Leaves are mid to dark green ...
Hot Shot Variegated is a Japanese azalea with small, elliptic, dark green leaves with white margins. They are evergreen in zone 7 and semi-evergreen in zone 6 when temperature drops below -18°C. The plant will always make new leaves in spring again even it loses foliage complete ...
Rosebud is an old variety of Kurume Japanese azalea bred an introduced by J.J.Chisholm in 1934. It bears unique, double flowers of soft pink colour. They look like those on Indian azaleas but are very hardy and bloom from m ...
Weston’s Sparkler, registered only as Sparkler, is one of those successful swamp azalea hybrids bred by the Mezitt family. It is a cross between a. viscosa and a pink-flowered form a. arborescens. It bears approx. 4 c ...
Bamboo-leaf oak, or sometimes also called Chinese evergreen oak is a rare evergreen tree that is not widely used in cultivation in Europe which is a great pity. It has evergreen, bamboo-like, lance-shaped, narrow leaves that emerge bronze-purple and mature to a dark green. Compared to cherry ...
Fringe tree is a very rare and beautiful small shrub or small tree. In early summer it has profusion of upto 20 cm long pendent panicles of fragrant, shiny snow-white, narrow flowers. Female plants produce bluish black berries, however, usually only male plants are sold in nurseries.
Mid ...
Shoeshine™ Rose a bergenia (elephant’s ears) variety from Syngenta breeders. It produces more compact, dense clumps with smaller, broadly oval to almost rounded, thick, evergreen leaves. They are medium green, p ...
Black Lace is a variety of European elder that has lace-like, deep burgundy leaves that look like those of dissectum Japanese maples. Flowers are striking pink panicles that appear in May. Its vigorous growth helps this shrub soon make a dense cover of leaves that are vivid purp ...
GOLDEN TOWER is a slender growing variety of European elder, a sister variety of BLACK TOWER, but this time with golden foliage. Its deciduous leaves emerge bright l ...
Moorflamme belongs among medium-tall varieties of purple moor grass and boasts profuse, yet delicate inflorescences atop slender stems slightly over one meter high. The inflorescences are conspicuously separated from the lo ...
Marsh marigold is our native perennial, naturally occurring from Central to North Europe as well as in North America and North Asia. It loves boggy and constantly moist locations in full sun. It is very variable and during a spring walk you can find several plants ...
Chinese photinia is a species which is less common in trade and almost nonexistent in European nurseries. Reason being that all European encyclopedias rate it much less winter hardy than David’s or Fraser’s photinia which are very popular evergreen shru ...
Camilvy is one of the new selections of Fraser´s photinia. It has darker red young leaves compared to Red Robinwhose leaves are more or less coppery red. They are large and glossy and turn very dark green in summer. They are evergreen and ha ...
Red Robin is a New Zealand selection of Fraser's photinia which is considered the first and also possibly the most successful Fraser's photinia variety of 20th century. After 20 years from its introduction it received the A ...
CORALLINA is a Fraser’s photinia variety bred by Andre Bourquin from a town Bordèrez-sur-l'Èchez (S.W. France near the Spanish border) in 1994 by self-pollinating Red Robin variety and subsequent selection o ...
Carré Rouge is a French selection of Fraser's photinia from Red Robin variety. It originated in Nantes and produces smaller leaves of intensely red colour when youn ...
RED LIGHT is a Dutch selection of popular photinia from 2013, bred and introduced by Alexander van Oploo, EU patent 32555. It has distinctively different colour of new twigs - they are bright red (as opposed to common wine ...
Red Robin is a New Zealand selection of Fraser's photinia which is considered the first and also possibly the most successful Fraser's photinia variety of 20th century. After 20 years from its introduction it received the A ...
Tree form or PINK MARBLE® photinia has evergreen, ovate, and glossy leaves of dark green colour with white margins and silvery-white veins just like marble has, that gain pink shades in autumn and winter. However, the ...
Carré Rouge is a selection of Fraser's photinia from Red Robin variety. It is commonly believed to have originated in French Nantes, however, the truth is that th ...
Ani is a Hungarian cherry laurel bred by Dr. Jozsa Miklos in order to achieve hardy and compact varieties suitable for cold winters of Central And Eastern Europe as well as resistant to summer heat and drought. Ani looks a ...
“Mount Vernon” is an American variety of the lowest cherry laurel which is used for borders, rock gardens, and most often as a luxuriously looking groundcover. The leaves are highly glossy, bright to deep green and slightly drooping which brings an extra elegant feature. Although this is ...
Etna® is the queen of laurels. Its bright emerald green leaves are glossy and healthy, slightly curved at the ends and edges which gives the whole shrub added plasticity. New leaves emerge coloured in rich bronze. Etna’s foliage is much more tolerant of winter sun scald than ...
GENOLIA® is an excellent addition to the family of hedging cherry laurels. It comes from Switzerland, and was bred by Pepiniéres de Genolier in 2002. It forms a handsome, columnar, evergreen shrub which requires no pru ...
SOFIA is a dwarf cherry laurel that can easily be mistaken for a holy because of its distinctly serrated (not spiny) leaves. Hoar frost makes a picturesque sight in autumn and winter and you will want to make a photo of the ...
Novita is a new sensation among cherry laurels. Eventually there is a hardy variety which has benefits of the formerly more tender ones: it grows fast and big, has large leaves of a nice colour, and is surprisingly hardy fo ...
Otto Luyken is one of the best known as well the most reliable and the hardiest selection among cherry laurels. Its evergreen pointed leaves are glossy and dark green. In April and May appears a profusion of erect racemes c ...
KLEOPATRA® is a Hungarian cherry laurel variety bred by Dr. Józsa Miklos and introduced in 2007. It forms a compact, graceful shrub or a small tree with spreading branches and dark green, glossy, leathery, evergreen le ...
Pine trees are superb trees which grow in a wide climate scale - from cold northern countries to hot coastal sites. They are probably most beautiful in their natural environment.
Satellit is a narrowly columnar variety ...
Uncinata is a subspecies of mountain pine. Its main difference from dwarf mountain pine is a central leader which helps it make a tree character. Also, this pine is much taller in full maturity as opposed to common mountain pine, forming a widely pyramidal habit, slightly irregu ...
Green Tower is a fastigiate and dwarf variety of Austrian pine. It was found as a seedling, possibly of Pyramidalis variety, by Martin Zimmer in late 1990's. It has about 10 cm, stiff, dark green needles borne in whorls of ...
Oregon Green is a very beautiful addition to the family of small to mid-sized pine trees. It was found as a seedling by Morris Van Meter in his nursery in Boring, Oregon, USA, in early 1990's. It is easily distinguished by ...
Austrian (black) pine was first classified by Austrian botanist Johann Arnold (not Schwarzenegger) in 1785. It is a hardy tree which escaped Austria in early 20th century, and can now be found all around Europe, down to Turkey, and in North Africa. Hard to say if M ...
If you like Mediterranean umbrella pines but feel sorry that it is too tender for our climate try to have a look at this selection of dwarf Japanese red pine. It is called Alice Verkade and has bright green, soft needles. It is a slow growing plant making only about 7-10 cm per ...
Carsten’s Wintergold is a selection of very popular Wintergold with stunning winter colour. The needles are deep green from mid spring until early autumn. Then they begin turning yellow and from end autumn until the last cold days of spring they are vivid yellow. This colour is u ...
Columbo is a mountain pine that has absolutely nothing to do with inspector Colombo. Its original name given in 1984 was Columnaris and it perfectly described its columnar habit. It grows slowly and dense, bears shor ...
Would you like a gnom for your garden? Not the one from plaster, a living one – a dwarf pine called the same name = Gnom. This one is very beautiful, slow and dense growing with short to medium sized, dark green needl ...
Scots pine is a European native pine species, and is native in our country, too. Its makes the most beautiful and at the same time the most bizarre specimens in the wild. It bears 5-7 cm long, mid green needles with a slight bluish overlay. They are borne in pairs and remain on the tree for 3 ...
Compacta Glauca is an arolla pine variety of reduced size. It was selected by C.Frets & Son nursery in Boskoop, the Netherlands, around 1930, in a field of older variety called Glauca which had been known since 1860' ...
You needn’t be a specialist to fall in love with this Japanese white pine at the first sight; this is probably one of the top ones mostly sought after by bonsai-makers, though. Needles of Negishi are 5-6 cm long, dark green with silvery grey film which gives it a unique, a ...
White (Weymouth) pines are very popular for their soft needles which you want to touch over and over again. They are usually long, silvery blue-green and come in whorls of 5. Pendula is a picturesque variety with arcing bra ...
Highbush blueberry is native to North America. It is a deciduous shrub 1-2m tall and wide producing edible, sweet berries in summer. Individual varieties differ in habit, fruit size and also slightly the taste. New, modern varieties are bred to eliminate cracking a ...
When a shrubby version of ivy was discovered it was a breakthrough. A non-climbing ivy with even more attractive foliage was an entirely different plant that could be used in various ways unlike a climber. Now there is an improvem ...
Green Ripple is an attractive variety of self-clinging English ivy. It has mid-sized, deep green leaves with 3 or 5 lobes and rippled margins. Another conspicuous feature are creamy veins inside the leaves. Branches produce ...
Winged spindle is a deciduous shrub native to central and northern China, Japan, and Korea. It is characterized by short cork wings which appear on the branches of even young shrubs. They are so conspicuous that they resemble the branches of sweet gum or cork oak. ...
Dawyckii varieties of common beech are very popular for their habit and leaf colours. Dawyck Purple has upright, columnar habit, its initial slow growth changes after a few years to medium-fast, never really fast. Spring leaves are striking purple, colour slightly deepens throug ...
Culinary herbs have been an important item of almost every garden. Depending on who likes what you can find marjoram, rosemary, thyme or at least parsley in most European gardens. These plants usually come from warmer zones and therefore like plenty of sun and well-drained soil.
We offer individ ...
Golden Horizon is an interesting variety of Himalayan cedar with weeping branches. The needles are evergreen, yellow-green when young and in summer, turning blue-green as they mature and in the shade. The shape of the shrub is irregular, making horizontal branches with weeping e ...
Mary Nell is a hybrid holly from the USA, bred by Joe McDaniels in Tom Dodd Nursery in Alabama in 1962. It is a cross between large-leaved holly ilex latifolia and hybrid holly Red Delight which is a cross between ilex corn ...
Nellie R. Stevens is one of the most widely used hardy hollies worldwide, and at the same time one of the most beautiful. It is a cross between English holly ilex aquifolium and Chinese holly ilex cornuta. It grows relatively fast and can be trained into a gorgeous ...
Nellie R. Stevens holly is one of the most cultivate hardy hollies worldwide simply because it is beautiful and versatile. It is a cross between English holly (ilex aquifolium) and Chinese holly (ilex cornuta). It grows rel ...
Golden King holly is a beautiful and easy to grow shrub with almost spineless leaves. They are oval to rounded, deep green in the centre and richly varigated yellow at the margins. The colder the weather, the deeper yellow margins.
Golden King name, however, is a sort of a screw-up: this p ...
Lawsoniana is my favourite. It is a female, variegated version of male plant Hendersonii which is just green. The leaves of Lawsoniana are deep green at the margins, grading through light green towards bright yellow centres. They are curled which gives the plant an extraordinary appear ...
Harpune is another novelty among English hollies. It is a mutation of another variety called Alaska. The main difference is in the leaves which are not spiny along the margins, but only have a medium sharp tip. They are narrowly elliptic, mid to dark green and very glossy. Harpu ...
J.C.van Tol variety, more than any other holly, is known for making almost spineless leaves when the plant reaches a height of abt. 1m. They are glossy, deep green to olive green on the undersides.
It is a female veriety bearing showy, bright red berries that appear abundant ...
White Cream is a fantastic new variety of holly. It was bred in Germany by Ingo Stührenberg. White Cream is a natural mutation of another English holly called Myrtifolia, hence its spiny margins. The leaves are bright creamy white in the centres, changing through light green t ...
is a male English holly variety whose origin I did not manage to find. There are notes about its existence yet before 2000 but it appears to be commercially attractive only from about 2015 or so. It makes heavily ...
Argentea Marginata is an eye-catching cultivar of variegated English holly. Its sharply serrated, evergreen leaves are almost identical to those of the species but moreover are decorated with a wide brim of creamy white col ...
Convexa is a variety of Japanese box-leaved holly which is most popular with bonsai growers and is ideal for topiaries. Compared to the species it grows denser and more compact so when pruned or clipped it never leaves an empty hole. The very glossy leaves are mid to dark green, 1-2 cm long, they ar ...
Many people mistake Japanese holly for buxus thanks to its small, evergreen leaves. Twiggy is slightly different. Its leaves are lighter green, very soft green as they emerge and mid green in summer along deep burgundy red ...
Japanese hollies with patent names Annys are bred by André van Nijnatten from Zundert in the Netherlands, and by 2021 4 varieties were registered. LUXUS® GLOBE is one of them. Its evergreen leaves are small, broadly el ...
DARK GREEN is a Japanese holly variety which says it all in a name. Evergreen, small, oval leaves are very dark green, handsome, and glossy, and appear along deep purple red stems. Being a female variety, it produces profus ...
Burgundy is a beautiful variety of desert willow of untraceable origin, possibly a selection of Rio Salado with slightly paler flowers. Burgundy desert willow makes deep maroon, velvety flowers with white and yellow stripes ...
The orchid-like flowers are pale to bright pink with a yellow throat and frilled margins. Flowers have a lovely, sweet scent. Summer Bells® is a chitalpa variety repeating flowering. It starts in early summer and last for 2-3 weeks, and then again in second half of August f ...
This variety called Aztec Pearl was bred by Peter Moore and introduced in 1989, when Hiller Nurseries celebrated their 125th anniversary. Its name perfectly describes this evergreen plant from the moment it begins to show flower buds. They are pearl-shaped, ...
WHITE DAZZLER is a follow-up choísie to Aztec Pearl from Peter Moore, introduced in 1991. It produces masses of simple, star-shaped, pure white, and very fragrant ...
Smooth cypress is an extraordinary conifer whose steel-blue needles will leave no doubt that this one is really something.
The species of this cypress comes from SW of the USA, while Fastigiata variety was selected in Italy. It has distinctly silvery-blue to glaucous colour o ...
This false cypress is belongs to the Filifera group, which means it has thread-like branches. In fact, some call these branches leaves. Practically the leaves are scales that cover the whip-like branches. Filifera Aurea is probably the most sought-after variety with golden yello ...
The Hinoki cypress is both a must-see and a must-have thereafter. Its dark green foliage is tightly congested, forming a tiny mound. It forms twisting fan-shaped branchlets in dense tiered layers.
Want to ask how fast it grows? Well it takes the same time as your partner does getting prep ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. YOUNIQUE™ CERISE is a va ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. YOUNIQUE™ LILAC is a variety from 2008, bred by Jan Verscho ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. They are a cross between a.arendsii and a.japonica, bred by Jan Verschoo ...
Montgomery is a japonica hybrid astilbe awarded AGM (Award of Garden Merit) by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). It produces rich raspberry red flowers in erect, triangular inflorescence from late June until midsummer. ...
Washington astilbe is as iconic as the White House in the US capital of the same name (plus the D.C., obviously). Elegant yet ostentatious, tall enough not to be overlooked but not so much to overshadow its surroundings, an ...
Apricot Gem is a multicoloured broom. Its flowers are apricot orange to salmon pink on the upper petals, and deen golden yellow in the centre with red margins. Blooming time is early May to early June. Leaves are small, up to 2 cm long, and mature plants are nearly leafless.
Pea tree is a low-maintenance plant which is also often grown in very inhospitable locations because it can take almost anything: hard frost, dry soil, full sun, wind and absolute neglect.
Walker is a variety commonly grafted on short or medium-sized stems with weeping branc ...
This elegant and rather exotic looking tree is still rare in cultivation in Europe. It was believed to have been extinct after the glacial era, however, in late 19th century some specimens were found in Sichuan, China. Dove tree was brought to Britain in 1903 and cultivated as a rarity in som ...
Another berry-licious coral bells variety is called Boysenberry. It produced large, ruffled, caramel-red leaves which are very resistant to both sun and frost, therefore will look nice also through mild winters until spring ...
Coral bells are very popular ground-covering perennials. Georgia Peach is a unique selection with intensely coloured foliage. The leaves are orangey-salmon-strawberry-pink with a conspicuous silver marbling while the reverse is purple red. They are quite large for a heuchera ...
Lime Marmalade? Wow, that must be something extraordinary, sharp and sweet at the same time. Just this coral bells variety bred by Jane N.Egger from the famous Oregon based Terra Nova Nurseries in the USA. It makes dense tu ...
Midnight Rose is a coral bells variety with very dark foliage. The leaves are large, deep purple red, almost black with rosy pink spots. In June and July small grayish-pink flowers appear atop 65-75 tall stems but if you th ...
Silver Gumdrop is a yummy (yet inedible) coral bells variety with mid-sized leaves with rounded lobes. They have the most peculiar colour combining silver and rosy pink with gentle burgundy-brown venation and purple red und ...
Chinese fountain grass is an elegant feature to every garden. It has mid to dark green linear leaves growing in a thick cluster forming a shape of a fountain. From midsummer it produces yellow-green spike-like flowers which look like bottlebrushes. They are beige w ...
Red Head is a fountain grass selection by Brent Horvath of Intrinsic Perennials from Illinois, USA. It produces attractive smoky purple red spike-like flowers 20-25 cm long. They appear atop up to 1.5m tall stem and exhibi ...
StarStyle™ is a series of semi-deciduous azalea developed by Hilde and Matthijs Barendse from a Dutch nursery Kwekerij Arends in Paterswolde. So far in consists of 3 colours: purple pink, lilac, and white. StarStyle™ Lilac
Big Apple is a Japanese dogwood variety from the USA where it was discovered and selected by Polly Hill in the 1960s. The seeds were obtained from M.M. Brubaker of Pennsylvania and as the plants grew she noticed one that wa ...
China Girl is a freely flowering Japanese dogwood with numerous creamy white flowers in June when the shrub is fully in leaf. Technically, they are not flowers but 4 flower bracts composed around small flower heads. They are followed by edible, bright pink fruit that looks like ...
DELTA BLUES™ is an American chaste tree variety bred and selected by Matthew Dirr from the University of Georgia, son of a famous horticulturist Michael A. Dirr, Ph.D. It differs from the species by a more compact gro ...
It is always so nice to learn about a new plant that represents a smaller version of a large species just because many of us want to enjoy its features without having to fear that it will take up the whole of our garden. GREEN PILLAR® is one of them. It ...
Holm oak or holly oak (holm is an old word for holly) is native to the Mediterranean and is spread from southern parts of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, to west Balkan and milder parts of North Africa. It used to form vast are ...
Blue corydalis is a beautiful and still quite rare perennial producing unique, narrowly tubular, blue flowers. Craigton Blue is a fantastic variety bred by Ian Young from Aberdeen, a Scottish horticulturist, photographer, a ...
One of the hardiest figs for our climate (zone 6) is named Brown Turkey. As the name suggests the fruit is brownish-red or blackish-purple, relatively large and sweet. They do not require pollination. Immature fruit and branches contain sap which can be an eye and lip-irritant. ...
Gaura is a typical example of a plant that deserves its price should it come in any pot size. It is a perennial with extra long bloom season and requiring little or no care. Geyser Pink variety forms a compact, airy bush with mid green, small leaves at the ground level and up to ...
Monumentalis is a unique version of hornbeam with strictly conical shape and very slow growth rate. Leaves are bright green and cover the whole of the plant. Even after they fall the tree remains very attractive with its regularly growing branches making a bonsai appearance. No pruning ...
Green Globe is a true gem among hebes. This variety, though relatively new to the market, has become one of the best-selling hebes ever. Its dominant feature is a deep but yet warm green colour of tiny, scaly leaves and mounding habit. This hebe does not flower. It can be used a ...
Seven son flower is a fascinating shrub that was first found in China by Ernest H.Wilson more than a hundred years ago, in 1907. Still, it took almost 80 years before this plant was cultivated commercially.
Seven son flower is ...
Compacta is a recent selection of Evergreen (Ebbing's) silverthorn, very probably of Italian origin (not confirmed). Unlike its mother plant - the species of Ebbing's silverthorn - it makes a compact and well-behaved shrub ...
Gilt Edge is a beautiful variety of this evergreen silverthorn. It has ovate, up to 10 cm long, leathery but thin leaves that are deep green in the middle and bright yellow at margins. Newly emerging leaves and twigs are silvery-beige. Apart from the foliage this plant is also i ...
MARYLINE® is a trade name for a striking selection of evergreen silverthorn, found by Albert Breneliére in France. It is a very bushy, upright growing, evergreen shrub with irregularly variegated leaves. They are leath ...
Viveleg silverthorn is a bushy, upright growing, evergreen shrub with irregularly variegated leaves. They are leathery, oval to ovate, partially undulated, and glossy. The centres are dark green, the margins are rich yellow ...
Gilt Edge is one of the first registered varieties of evergreen silverthorn with variegated foliage. It makes leathery, oval to ovate, partially undulated, and glossy leaves with dark green centres and thick yellow margins. ...
Scarlet firethorn has been a favourite plant for a long time because it presents a low-maintenance plant that can grow almost anywhere. Golden Charmer is one of the modern varieties bred not only for berry colour but mostly ...
Orange Charmer firethorn produces mid-sized, bright orange, glossy berries maturing to the richest colour from mid to late September. Leaves are narrowly ovate, deep green and glossy, mostly evergreen. Branches have thorns. ...
Scarlet firethorn Soleil d´Or has profusion of vivid yellow fruits which beautifully contrast with deep green foliage. To maintain a compact shape we recommend to trim it a few times a year, but only after flowering. It likes clay, alkaline soil, and is drought tolerant. ...
Hot Chocolate® is a long-awaited novelty in the field of rough-leaved hydrangea. It bears very attractive leaves that are deciduous, felt-like, narrowly ovate, dark green with a notable chocolate-brown overlay when mat ...
Silver Dollar is another jewel among panicle hydrangeas of the new millennium. The truth is that it lacked the massive marketing campaign as for example Limelight® ...
This attractive hydrangea comes from Belgium and was bred by Johan van Huylenbroeck. It was patented only in 2004 and got a peculiar name: Pinky Winky. Allegedly, the breeder was inspired by the children’s programme Teletubbies.
Pinky Winky® is a panicle type hydr ...
SKYFALL is a panicle hydrangea of compact habit and small size. From mid July it produces large inflorescence packed with hyacinth-like individual flowers which emerge pale lime green, changing to cream white, and maturing ...
FRAISE MELBA® panicle hydrangea makes about 16 cm long and 12 cm wide panicles composed of mostly sterile (showy) flowers which emerge pale lime green and change to creamy white. However, earlier than others they turn ...
Vanille Fraise® is a breathtaking novelty among panicle hydrangeas. It bears extra large flowers that emerge clear white in midsummer, turning light pink first and deep raspberry pink in late summer. The panicles are up to 30 cm long and 20 cm wide and remain on the plant f ...
STRONG ANNABELLE® is a new name for a beautiful sevenbark variety from 2009, PP20571. It was patented as 'Abetwo' and marketed as INCREDIBALL® from the beginning. However, after a few years of continuous misspelli ...
Invincibelle Spirit® is a fantastic novelty from 2010. This sevenbark hydrangea is historically the first one with pink flowers and extreme hardiness. The flowers are a little smaller than the ones of Annabelle bu ...
The new millennium brought a hydrangea sensation called Endless Summer®. This developed into a hydrangea series composed of a few varieties, each of a different colour. The plants have ...
LOTUS MOON™ is a slow-growing pearl bush variety with a profusion of flowers. They are 2-3 cm across, snow white, composed of 5 petals which are narrower than on other varieties owing to which they look like stars. Th ...
Williams is probably the most known and spread out pear in the world. Its complete name is Williams bon Chretien and comes from the UK, 18th century.
It is an early variety bearing mid-sized or large fruit with light green or yellow skin. The flesh is very juicy, aromatic, an ...
Callery pear is a flowering (ornamental) pear tree which is cultivated for its profuse flowering in April. The tree produces a huge quantity of snow white flowers followed by small, almost spherical fruit that is edible but not too tasty.
Chanticleer is a famous variety of na ...
FEATHERS PEACOCK is a highly attractive hybrid lavender sage. It has unique foliage and unusual inflorescence. It blooms quite early, already in mid-May it makes up to 55 cm tall, hairy stems topped with slightly drooping s ...
Conversation Piece is definitely something to talk about. This azalea has extremely large flowers of two colours: light pink and white. The varigation differs from plant to plant, some blooms may be just pink, others mottled white or be entirely white with pink stripes and so on ...
Stewartstonian is becoming the most sought-after evergreen azalea with red flowers. The red is soft, almost orangey red, as far as we can talk about orange in Japanese azaleas. It grows moderately and forms a fairly compact shrub that does not need to be pruned.
Slightly glossy lea ...
Hybrid azalea Carolina is a typical item for collectors and everyone who loves multi-coloured flowers. Their centres are almost entirely purplish-pink while the margins show rich white variegation. This effect is similar to another Robin Hill variety called
Martha Hitchcock is a true sensation azalea from Glenn Dale hybrid group. This beauty bears extra large flowers that are 6 cm across, white in the throat grading to neony pink towards the margins. The flowering plant looks like a thousand of pink torches all lit up at once. It s ...
Perla del Verbano is a sensational new variety of evergreen hybrid azalea that originated in Northern Italy. It bears profusion of bright pink, double = hose in hose flowers from end June until late July. They appear continuously so you can enjoy them for as long as a month unde ...
Pink Ice™ is a lovely hybrid variety of candytuft with profusion of soft pink flowers atop 10-15 cm tall stems. They last for a long time and new buds appear along the stems when you trim the plant cutting away faded ...
ABSOLUTELY AMETHYST candytuft is a beautiful variety with mauve flowers atop upright, sparsely leaved, 15-20 cm tall stems. They come out from May and bloom until late June or early July. If lightly trimmed after flowering ...
Swamp mallow and its hybrids have been sought after plants for the past few years now. They are perennials with sturdy stems that have large, tropically looking flowers. Oak Red is a new variety with deep red, extra large flower. They are up to 20 cm across and appear from midsu ...
EXTREME HOT PINK is a hot addition to the Extreme series of swamp mallows. It produces striking, neon pink flowers 19-20 cm across. They are produced from August onwards, and depending on plant's age and fertilizing new flo ...
“Hamabo” will no doubt attract your attention thanks to its rare, pink-red veins on pale pink or almost white flower petals, each of which has its own deep red blotch in the centre. The shrub is always erect and slightly rounded with age.
It has very decorative leaves th ...
Red Heart bears snow white flowers with conspicuous burgundy red hearts, hence the name. There are often veins of the same colour running from the inside.
It has very decorative leaves that are unique. They are narrowly palmate, 3-lobed, mid to dark green and coarsely toothed. If t ...
Russian Violet is a popular large-flowered variety of Rose-of-Sharon. Its flowers are purple pink with violet tones and a large burgundy red eye and rays in the centre. Blooming begins in early July and continues until sunn ...
Speciosus is an elegant, semi-double flowering variety of Rose-of-Sharon. Its flowers are medium-sized, snow white with burgundy red eye, and are composed of two rows of large petals and a set of dwarf, odd-shaped petals in ...
Totus Albus is a very elegant variety that bears large, 7-9 cm across, flowers of pure white colour, sometimes with dwarf lacy petals in the center. They come out reliably every year in July and don’t stop blooming until all buds have gone - sometimes by end September. Pruning is not needed. B ...
Woodbridge is an ideal choice for everyone who loves shiny-coloured flowers in summer. They are bright pink, sometimes of a faint lavender touch, with a bright red eye in the middle, small enough not to disturb the entire colour of the bloom. They come out every year in July and don’t stop blo ...
WHITE CHIFFON® belongs to the Chiffon group hybridized by English botanist Dr.Roderick Woods. Showy flowers are pure white and large: 7-9 cm across and look double although from the botanical point of view they are single with dwarf lacy petals in the center. They come out reliabl ...
Jonagold is a great dessert apple variety that combines the best of both its parents. It has the sweetness of Golden Delicious as well as mild sharpness and aroma of ...
Rode Boskoop (Boskoop Red) is a red version of an old and popular Dutch variety of Belle de Boskoop late apple. It produces incredibly large fruit that can weigh up to 250g. It is often irregular or rounded with ribs. The s ...
Blue Arrow juniper is as thin as a supermodel. This conifer has a truly slim, columnar habit and attractive blue-green to almost silvery blue colour. It is often compared to another juniper variety called Skyrocket against ...
Blaauw’s Pink has attractive, salmon pink small flowers with slightly darker throat. It has irregular growth and belongs to mid-sized azalea.
Leaves are mid to dark green, ovate, only about 2-3 cm long. In semi-shade and shade they remain on the shrub throughout winter, if pla ...
Blue Danube is a German variety of Japanese azalea. It is a slow and dense growing plant with profusion of large, 3-4 cm across, widely open, purple-violet flowers with a darker blotch just like rhododendrons have. Leaves are small, almost flat, elliptic to oval, deep green and ...
Sandys Fire is an evergreen Japanese azalea from the Fairy Dreams® which comprises of 4 varieties in vivid colours. Sandys Fire produces bright orange red flowers in May for 2-3 weeks. Evregreen leaves are small, broad ...
Aladdin Scout is a great Kurume azalea with profusion of soft red, large flowers. It blooms from end May until early June. Evergreen leaves are medium sized, deep green, and narrowly ovate. It grows medium fast in all direction forming a rounded bush.
Azaleas can be clipped t ...
“Satomi” is the most sought after variety among the Japanese ones. Its flowers are of light to deep pink colour that is unevenly spread throughout the flowers. Technically, they are not flowers but 4 flower bracts composed around small flower heads. They are up to 10 cm wide and c ...
The species of Japanese maple is a green-leaved tree or rather a large shrub. End even though among landscapers and general green-finger-public the red-leaved versions tend to be more popular I suppose that this is the most beautiful and elegant tree of our climate. With its naturally green leaves i ...
Bloodgood is a purple-leaved Japanese maple variety of rapid growth which will create the typical Japanese garden atmosphere both as a specimen tree and as a backdrop. It is a very successful variety, especially thanks to t ...
Katsura is a Japanese maple that is highly decorative especially in spring, when new leaves emerge, and in autumn, when they change again. They are typically palmate, rather small, 5-lobed, chartreuse yellow-green with copp ...
The less usual colour the more attractive it is for garden lovers. Orange Dream is a perfect example of Japanese maple to offer an almost exotic colour of spring foliage that is orange and salmon pink at margins with yellowish-green centres. This colouring decorates the plant un ...
If you google red-leaved Japanese maples I am sure that, amongst the oldest varieties such as Bloodgood and Atropurpureum, you will find this nice piece: Shaina. Unlike the previously mentioned cultivars Shaina is everyone’s love as it offers advantages that come in handy for gar ...
Shindeshojo is a classic variety of Japanese maple that offers exactly what these plants are popular for: bright colours of spring and autumn foliage. Shindeshojo has palmate, 5- or 7-lobed deciduous leaves which emerge fire engine red in spring, turn olive green with pink and w ...
Sango-kaku is a Japanese maple that has so many colours that we are lost for words. Its main attraction is the colour of bark which is orangey-red in summer and bright coral red in winter. The palmate leaves have 5 lobes and emerge orangey-yellow with salmon pink shades, changin ...
Garnet is one of the top selling Japanese maples ever. It has been popular around the world for many decades. Its filigree leaves are deeply cut = dissected, hence its name. They look like giant snowflakes cut in pieces and densely cover even young plants. The colour show begins with vibrant ...
This maple Shishigashira received a name Lion’s Head. Its leaves are small, deeply cut and curled, forming dense tufts along twisted branches. The foliage is bright green or yellow-green in spring and summer, turning orange and rust-red very late in au ...
Dissectum Viridis has light green, very soft, deciduous, deeply cut leaves with 7 or 9 lobes. To maintain its colour we recommend growing it in location with filtered sunlight or semi-shade as the leaves may show signs of sunburn in hot sun, or even change i ...
Burgundy Manor is a deeply coloured great masterwort variety from England where it was bred and introduced by Gill Richardson in 2008. It is a medium-tall perennial with deep maroon flowers. Paradoxically, the most striking ...
Nanum is a dwarf variety of Field maple, suitable for small gardens and avenues with limited space. It grows slowly into a small tree some 2.5m tall and wide. The leaves are deciduous, deep green, with 3-5 rounded lobes, tu ...
Montpellier maple is a typical Mediterranean tree commonly found in dry, coastal or mountainous landscapes of Portugal, France, and Italy. It makes small, three-lobed, leathery but deciduous leaves, which are medium green in summer, and turn yellow, amber orange or ...
Golden Globe is a dwarf Norway maple i.e. one of those with large leaves as opposed to Japanese maples with small and dissected foliage. One of the big advantage of Norway maple is its resistance against majority of common ...
“Aureum” is variety that differs from others by its more or less erect growth with horizontal lateral branches. The fan-shaped leaves are fresh yellow-green to golden yellow, sometimes with pinkish margins. The other difference is fruit: Acer shirasawanum holds its samaras above the foli ...
Pyramidale is a silver maple variety with attractive, deeply cut foliage with prominent red veins. The leaves are deciduous, rich green in summer, turning yellow, golden and orange-red in autumn. The tree forms a widely col ...
Caucasian fir is perhaps the most beautiful conifer of our climate. No wonder that it is also a commercial bestseller as a Christmas tree. Its short needles densely cover the branches; they are deep green and very glossy, with silvery undersides. Fresh growths are intensely bright green.
T ...
One of the most popular conifers for small and mid-sized gardens is this Korean fir. It has short, glossy, dark green needles that are silver on the reverse. Already as a young plant it produces very attractive bluish-purple cones.
It is slow growing, the tree ...
Algerian fir is a beautiful conifer from North Africa (Algiers, Morocco) and is widely cultivated in South Europe (the Mediterranean). It is very tolerant to drought, heat, and poor soil but very sensitive to pollution and long-lasting frost under -23°C.
The nee ...
Sydney Pearce is an English variety of Indian horse chestnut, selected by the man of the same name in 1935, when he was working as an assistant curator of the Royal Gardens at Kew near London, England. It boasts unique, gau ...
Sweet pepper bush or summersweet is a deciduous shrub from the east coast of USA, occurring in moist locations to wetlands, and on stream banks. It is a trouble-free plant which is becoming popular again in our country thanks to i ...
Ruby Spice has flowers of has the deepest shade of pink so far selected. Flowers are bell-shaped, light pink, opening from rose buds, formed in upright racemes in July and August. They have a lovely, sweet fragrance, hence its name. Flower buds are deep pink.
Oval leaves are decidu ...
Spanish dagger comes from coastal parts of S.E. USA (North Carolina to Florida) where it naturally grows on sandy sites, exposed to wind, drought, and heat. It can easily by confused with Adam’s needle (yucca filamentosa) whose leaves are much softer while Sp ...
Beaked yucca is a tree-like yucca with evergreen, steel-blue leaves formed in a dense rosette. The blades are 40-60 cm long and only 1-1.5 cm wide. You can also come across specimens with a thin yellow margin but those do not seem to be considered separate or named ...
Mariesii is an architectural shrub with 100% horizontal, tiered branches and profusion of flowers in late spring. It is a variety of Japanese snowball bush with pure white flowers, composed in umbrella-shaped terminal panic ...
Cranberrybush is a low shrub offering three interesting features. The first of them, obviously, is the profusion of flowers in late spring. They are almost flat panicles composed of both sterile and fertile flowers that are followed by super-attractive vivid red, glossy berries from mid-summe ...
Blue Cloud is African blue lily variety with enchanting, sky-blue flowers which are not as dark as on other varieties. They offer a calm and soothing, pastel blue shade with lavender violet tone that combines well with othe ...
Unlike most of other African blue lilies which are blue this gem shows off with its pure white flowers. They are trumpet-shaped, composed in rich umbels and appear at the tips of about 60-80 cm long, sturdy stems. Strap-like leaves are about 2-3 cm wide, mid green. Blooming time begins with h ...
Ombrella® belongs to the hardy group. It was a chance selection from France which was observed and cultivated, and later on patented under the name Boubri. It differs from the species by darker leaves and deeply coloured flowers.
Exotic looking flowers are pinky-red, hairy spheres wit ...
Shaggy shield fern is a lovely fern with geometrically regular architecture. Individual leaflets are deep green and glossy, composed around a nearly black stem. The fronds are mostly upright making an attractive specimen plant beneath tree canopies. It is hardy to about -30°C. Cut off all lea ...
Japanese Rosy Buckler fern is especially pretty for its bronze-pink new leaves. The fronds are of a classic fern appearance, about 40 cm tall and new growths are always erect. It forms a dense clump. It is evergreen and looks beautiful without any sign of damage do ...
Japanese tassel fern is a woodland species of evergreen fern with dark green, leathery, and very glossy leaflets with a profusion of bristles along margins. Stems and midribs are an attractive shade of golden brown. The fronds are 40-60 cm long and commonly upright ...
SpinTop is a new blanket flower series from Dutch company Dümmen Orange® introduced to market after 2015. SpinTop Yellow Touch left me breathless when I first saw its ingenious ...
Wheeltree is an extraordinary evergreen piece from the East (Japan, Korea, Taiwan). Its uniqueness is emphasized by the fact that it is the one and only species of its genus. Moreover, it is a very old species, imprint of its leaf was found in a 49 million years ol ...
BUTTERFLY CANDY™ LILA SWEETHEART is a dwarf and compact buddleja producing soft lavender violet flowers with an orange throat. The inflorescence is conical, slim, only some 8-10 cm long, and composed of small, funnel-shaped flowers. They are moderately, sweet ...
Miss Violet is a compact butterfly bush variety growing about one and a half meters tall and wide, forming a dense, freely flowering shrub. Its rich purple violet flowers are composed in remarkably narrow, 10-15 cm long, sa ...
Kevin Hurd from Walters Gardens nursery in Michigan, USA, is a perennial breeder and among his targets are e.g., pinks, hardy hibiscus, and daisies. Banana Cream Shasta daisy is his work of art which he created in 2008 by c ...
LIL' BANG™ Daybreak is a beautiful tickseed with eye-catching, daisy-like, golden yellow flowers with deep reddish brown eyes. In fact there is more brown than yellow so it would be no lie to say that the flowers are ...
Fine Line® buckthorn is a gorgeous shrub which in its few years on the market has managed to gain attention of many gardeners as well as landscape architects. It is a result of cross-pollination carried out by Ronald Williams in 1989, but only in 1999 he selected plants showing st ...
Winged broom or arrow-shaped broom is an attractive species from the fabaceae family. Its natural habitat spreads from South and Central Europe to Balkan. It forms low shrubs with green, prostrate branches and profusion of flowers.
Winged broom is cultivated fo ...
Broom is not a kind name for a beautiful shrub like this genista. Truth is, however, that its tine leaves are less obvious for its numerous, slender, arching branches which might look a little disorganized but still not broomy.
Genista produces masses of bright ...
Vilmoriniana is a dwarf variety of Japanese cedar imported from Japan and introduced around 1890 by French botanist and horticulturist Auguste Louis Maurice Lévêque de Vilmorin (1849-1918). At least 20 different plant ...
The CENSATION™ series of avens is bred by Armand Kremer from a German perennial nursery Green Globe. Yellow Fluffy is a cheerful variety with banana yellow flowers tinged salm ...
Robin loosestrife is a sister (or brother?) variety of Robert loosestrife. It has almost identical colour of its the 5-petalled, star-shaped. They are bougainvill ...
Blush is an exceptionally light pink flowering variety of purple loosestrife. They are larger than on most purple pink varieties and open from the bottom upwards, usually from late July until early September on about 60-90 ...
RHAPSODY IN BLUE is an attractive crape myrtle variety from the Play It Again® series introduced in 2022. The series comprises of varieties with double flowering on the same panicle and in a few cases dar ...
DYNAMITE® is one of the reddest crepe myrtle varieties currently known to trade. It belongs to the Play It Again® series which comprises of varieties with double flowering on the same panicle and in ...
Natchez is another hardy hybrid of crape myrtle. It has profusion of white flowers from mid summer. Deciduous leaves are 3-4 cm long, elliptic to obovate, very glossy, mid green in summer, turning red and orange in autumn. Older plants reveal cinnamon red flaking-off bark. Natch ...
BERRY DAZZLE® is another crape myrtle introduction by Michael A.Dirr from Georgia, USA. It is a chance seedling of Pocomoke from 2002 forming small, compact and very dense shrubs with bright fuchsia pink flowers, compo ...
ENDURING SUMMER® is an American crepe myrtle series bred by Joshua H.Kardos. The plants boast compact, rounded habit and excellent resistance to diseases. ENDURING SUMMER® RED ...
Caucasian wing nut is one of my favorite trees. I first saw it growing in the castle garden of Třeboň chateau where it was ingeniously and logically placed as a focal point in the front of the main facade. And despite its size I knew immediately that I wanted to gr ...
Marie Simon is another French hybrid ceanothus, a cross from 1830 between c. x delilianus with blue flowers and c. ovatus with beige flowers. The result is a deciduous shrub with a profusion of soft pink flowers composed in ...
Gloire de Versaille is a French hybrid of California lilac, a cross between c. americanus, a Missouri native of excellent hardiness, and very tender Mexican species c. caeruleus with sky blue flowers. The result is a hardy, ...
Scarletta® is probably the top variety of leucothoe with lance-shaped, glossy leaves that emerge bronze or red, change to mid green in summer, and turn red in autumn and deep burgundy red in winter. It dislikes direct sunlight. However, if grown in full sun, it has to be we ...
Curly Red® variety comes from Dutch town Boskoop where it was found as a naturally occurring mutation among plants of another variety named SCARLETTA®. It was fits introduced in 2003 and received the award of “most st ...
Essence Purple is a compact lavender variety which forms an evenly rounded bush without fallen stems. It is about 40 cm tall and still very compact and very dense. Fragrant flowers are rich lavender violet and appear from J ...
Hidcote is a very popular variety of lavender with the brightest violet-blue flowers. It forms a compact and dense clump, ideal for beds where tall and leggy perennial is not required. Evergreen leaves are narrow, silvery blue-green. You can remove the stalks with spent flowers ...
Munstead is a name for several plant varieties, all of which are somehow linked with Munstead Heath in southern Surrey, England, where Gertrude Jekyll's house called Munstead Wood was located. The house and garden were designed by Sir Edwin E. Lutyens and bu ...
Exalting the beauty of lavender is like carrying coals to Newcastle. So let' concentrate on something special: white varieties.
White flowering varieties of lavender are still a bit unusual yet very handsome. They are fast grow ...
LewisiaMountain Dreams is a variety forming thick rosettes of symmetrically layered everg ...
Linden trees (limes) are generally large, long-lived plants that can be found in broad avenues, in parks or in old villages. Small-leaved lime was declared our national tree of the Czech Republic in 1848 and it is a national tree of Slovakia and Slovenia, too. It i ...
Rancho is a small-leaved linden variety sought-after for its slow growth and much smaller size in maturity. It was bred by Edward Scanlon from Olmsted Falls in Ohio, USA, and introduced in 1961. It makes dense canopies with ...
Royal Purple lily-turf is like an improved version of an older car type - better in all aspects compared to its predecessor: larger leaves, larger flowers, deeper colour. The foliage is ribbon-like, dark green, very glossy, ...
Contorta is a contorted version of our European hazelnut. It was found as a spontaneous mutation of a branch in a hedge in Tortworth, England, in the middle of 1800’s by a Victorian gardener Canon Henry Nicholson Ella ...
STARSHIP™ SCARLET is one of the modern lobelia varieties offering first year flowering, longer life and reliable hardiness down to USDA zone 6. It is a part of a small STARSHIP™ series developed by Kieft Seeds, ...
Gallery series consists of several multicoloured varieties of dwarf lupines, whose stems do not usually exceed 60 cm. Gallery Yellow bears banana yellow flowers on only about 40-50 ...
Fastigiatum is a columnar variety of yellow poplar tree / tulip tree which has two advantages as opposed to the species. First - it is narrower and will fit into a mid-sized garden. And secondly, and for most of us perhaps more importantly, it flowers from very young age. As opp ...
Ferruginea is a southern magnolia variety with large, 24-26 cm across, creamy white, lotus-like flowers whose fragrance attracts not only bees and other insects, but also most perfume producers and every passer-by, especial ...
Francois Treyve evergreen magnolia is more compact than the species. It bears deep green, glossy, broadly ovate or almost rounded leaves with cinnamon-brown leathery undersides that protect them from drying winds and cold. Flowers appear from the first hot and sunny days of summer. The ...
Evergreen magnolias are the queens of flowering trees. We choose the most beautiful and at the same time the hardiest varieties. Goliath is a cultivar found by American botanist Albert Charles Smith (1906-1999) in former Ca ...
Satisfaction is a European novelty among magnolias from 2002. Its origin is not known, however, so far it has proven to be a real winner.
Satisfaction is a small or mid-sized magnolia with mid-sized to large blossoms. The outside colour is deep burgundy red and pure white in ...
Mák východní is an extraordinary perennial with large, showy flowers atop thick, tall stems. Brilliant is a variety with vibrant scarlet orange red flowers 10-12 cm across with deep purple red, almost black blotches in the ...
Bull's Eye is a favourite mountain laurel variety from times when it was difficult to get any other. This one has rich burgundy red colour on white background and white-ish buds. Flowering is abundant and reliable. It grows wider than tall, like a rhododendron.
There are man ...
There’s a horticultural legend from mid-1940’s which goes something like this: For centuries, metasequoia had been believed to be extinct in the wild and buried only in fossils just like trilobites. It wasn't until 1941 that a live specimen was found in ...
Germany has another novelty among blue hollies. Its name is Heckenpracht and it is a cross between ilex aquifolium Pyramidalis and ilex x meserveae Blue Prince® ...
HECKENBLAU® ('Hedge Blue') is another Hecken- variety of so-called blue holly, again from Germany. It is an upright, moderately growing shrub with evergreen foliage. Leaves are dark green, broadly elliptic to almost ro ...
Heckenstar® is quite a novelty from Germany, bred by Hans Hachmann and patented only in 1998. It is a cross ilex aquifolium „Pyramidalis“ and ilex x meserveae R ...
GOLDEN GIRL ® is probably the first ever patented holly with yellow berries in the world, US plant patent 7652 from 1990, as a cross between ilex aquifolium ´Fructa Lutea´and ilex rugosa . Yellow fruits are an awesome feature because it never happened with any other blue ho ...
Blue Maid® is a female variety of blue holly. It produces abundance of tiny, white flowers in spring that are followed by attractive berries in autumn. They are bright red and glossy, and remain on the plant until the ...
Heckenfee® is a new variety of blue holly from Germany, bred by Hans Hachmann and patented only in 2000. It is a female variety of its male form Heckenstar. This means that this cross produces berries. Outside Europe it is distributed under trade name Castle Spire™.
Grey Pearl is a picturesque dwarf variety of Japanese larch. It is a low growing shrub with soft, deciduous needles that emerge fresh green and soon turn silvery blue green. It makes a fluffy appearance and is almost irresi ...
Plane-leaved mulberry has many admirers thanks to its almost exotic large leaves. Fruitless is a follow-up variety from Italy eliminating the only set back this tree may have when it comes to cleanliness: it is sterile (mal ...
Lochinch is a hybrid butterfly bush which originated as a natural mutation in the gardens of the Lochinch Castle in Scotland around 1940. It is possibly a hybrid between the most utilized b.davidii and its Chinese relative, ...
Fuchsias are back in fashion these days, mainly because more and more countries are testing the so-called hardy fuchsias which are aimed to live outdoors, in garden beds and borders. They are usually magellanica hybrids.
Ricartonii is a short, upright shrub with pendent, sin ...
Alba Simplex is a spring flowering hardy camellia whose origin, despite the availability of multiple historical sources, is rather uncertain. One source claims that it comes from China but does not support it with any furth ...
Juneberry is a large shrub cultivated mostly for its delicious and healthy fruit. It is a large deciduous shrub or a small tree.
Flowers are star-shaped, white and scented and appear in mid spring. Oval leaves are up to 8 cm long, emerge bronze and mature to green colour, turning scarlet r ...
This ornamental cherry plum is popular in demand for its deep burgundy leaves, almost no maintenance at all and no special soil requirements.
Deciduous leaves are ovate to elliptic, of deep burgundy red colour. Such shade is perfect to break an overall green landscape with or to be used i ...
MAGICAL LEMON & LIME nandina comes from American town Locustville in Virgina. It is a chance seedling of open pollinated plants of nandina domestica Aurea. Its most significant features are habit and leaf colour. MAGICAL LE ...
OBSESSED is a patented nandina variety discovered by April Hering and Adeiana Garza from Texas, USA, as a natural mutation of Gulf Stream variety in 2005. It grow ...
Lucas is a small foxglove series offering extended blooming time, various flower colours, and in one case also silvery foliage. Lucas White, however masculine the name sounds, is more like a bride dressed in the most elegan ...
Lucas is a handsome guy among foxglove varieties. It is highly valued not only for beautiful flowers but also extended blooming time as its secondary stems keep on producing flowers until September. Flowers are widely funne ...
Nandina species is believed to be the toughest of all nandinas as far as both hardiness and soil adaptability. Gulf Stream is a variety discovered by Hines Nursery from Texas, USA, and exhibits a dwarf version of this beaut ...
Houseleek is in fact a plant of two genus - sempervivum and jovibarba. They are so similar that the trade does not really differentiate them, possibly also because sempervivum is an accepted synonym for jovibarba. Houseleek comes from mountainous regi ...
Millenium is a beautiful variety of ornamental onion with about 30 cm tall, strong stems atop which appear 4-5 cm wide flower heads composed of numerous rich lilac pink, slightly fragrant flowers. They open from early July ...
Hardy plumbago is a superb substitution for its tender relative common in the Mediterranean.
This one has even deeper blue flowers with 5 petals, mid-green, bristly, obovate, deciduous leaves with purple margins and purple stems. The plants itself is very dense and in full sun bears profu ...
Blue Balloon® is a fantastic new variety of bluebeard. It is a very popular shrub of low growth with purple-blue flowers. They are formed in terminal cymes and bloom from end summer until early autumn. Their scent is attractive for butterflies and bumble-bees. What humans c ...
Frosted Curls is a tufted, evergreen New Zealand hair sedge variety with narrow leaves that curls at tips. The leaves are light green in spring and summer, after flowering in late summer they turn light sandy yellow, and fi ...
Japanese grass sedge is an evergreen species of ornamental grass native to central and southern Japan. Ice Dance is one of its key varieties proved by decades of cultivation. It boasts rather wide (up to 1.5 cm) leaf blades ...
DELGENIUS BREEZIN larkspur bears large, fully double flowers with narrow, undulated, and spoon-shaped petals. Their colour is a blend of light indigo blue, violet, and pale mauve. Paler flowers often have dark margins. The ...
Gold Bar® is a very attractive mutation of popular zebra grass which exhibits a shorter, more compact growth with more profuse yellow variegation. Gold Bar®
Gracillimus is a maiden grass (eulalia) which is very popular among both interior as well as landscape designers. It offers a lush effect of dense tufts of narrow, rich green leaves, elegantly arching. It is not very tall b ...
RED CLOUD® miscanthus is one of very few varieties producing weeping inflorescence. Already in midsummer it forms rich burgundy red, glossy plumes which are not erect as most other eulalias. Their colour is intense and ...
Zebra grass, formerly known as Strictus, is an old favourite among eulalias. It has stiff, upright, bright green leaves with horizontal creamy yellow stripes which make it the popular zebr ...
Simpler East Indian hollyfern is one of the few outdoor ferns with variegated leaves. Its name simplicior refers to the difference with a. aristata, compared to which it has shorter leaves with conspicuously separated lateral petioles with leaves of the second pinn ...
Powis Castle is an English variety of wormwood that is also called Brass Band. It is most likely a spontaneous hybrid between the species a. arborescens and a. absinthium from the Middle East where wormwoods willingly hybri ...
„Blattgold“ is a sensational new variety from Germany. It is more attractive for its colourful leaves than lavender pink flowers. The leaves have irregular variegation that starts with bright golden yellow in the centre, is followed by light green blotches towards the edges, and finishes ...
NUGGET BY BLOOMBUX® is a beautiful rhododendron cross of r.hirsutum and r.micranthum. It is a compact, evergreen shrub with profusion of small but lovely flowers from late May until mid June. They open from salmon pink ...
Sometimes I sense a certain antipathy towards pink flowering rhododendrons, as if there were far too many. Well, I agree that there are a lot of them but they are not always the same pink, ask a painter how many pinks there are. For instance,
Variegatum, often also called Ponticum Variegatum, is an attractive selection or hybrid of Black Sea rhododendron with super attractive variegated foliage. At first glance, it is obvious that this color anomaly was most lik ...
Shuttlecock fern (ostrich fern) is one of the most common ferns of European origin. It grows in our woodlands, in shaded areas and on wet meadows.
It has erect, light green fronds that under ideal conditions can grow 1.5m tall, but are usually shorter in cultiva ...
Flaming Silver is a fantastic variety of a lily-of-the-valley shrub. This evergreen gem shows narrowly lance-shaped, evergreen leaves that are dark green in the middle and creamy white along the margins. New foliage is vivid red or purple-pink. This colour remains for a few week ...
Lily-of-the-valley shrubs are very popular ericaceous plants with attractive foliage and abundant flowering. Mountain Fire is one the best old varieties. It produces abundance of vase-shaped, creamy white flowers hanging on ...
Lily-of-the-valley shrubs are very popular ericaceous plants with attractive foliage and abundant flowering. Purity is another dwarf variety. It is similar to Prelude but more rounded and regular in habit. The flower buds a ...
Little Frosty is a dwarf lily-of-the-valley shrub bred by Ron van Opstal. Its evergreen leaves are narrowly elliptic, short, acuminate, medium green with white variegation at margins. In spring they emerge coppery orange to ...
Growers and fans of lily-of-the-valley shrubs probably know Little Heath variety, but few of them know that there was a selection made some time ago with only green foliage. In my view it is much more eleg ...
Enchanting Pink Elsa is a perennial peony from a Dutch series Fabulous Flowers®. It produces large, bowl-shaped, semi-double, fragrant flowers with pastel pink petals and numerous creamy white to light butter yellow dw ...
Laura is a market name for a perennial phlox originally named Uspech. It produces numerous flowers composed in terminal panicles for an extremely long period: July until October. The flowers are fuchsia-purple with a large ...
Digitata is a naturally occurring form of oriental plane, now considered a variety. It was first described by British botanist George Henry (1806-1879) who also admitted that the tree had been put into commerce some 30 earl ...
Brenelia is an elegant novelty variety of Portugal laurel from early 21st century. In appearance and use it is similar to Angustifolia variety but has larger leaves with undulated margins. The stalks and new stems are rich ...
We are specialists in evergreen plants and offer the widest possible range of hardy, quality plants.
Angustifolia is a very elegant variety of Portugal laurel. Irrespective of its origin it belongs to the hardiest evergreen plants for our climate and performs better than some ...
Angustifolia is a very elegant variety of Portugal laurel. Irrespective of its origin it belongs to the hardiest evergreen plants for our climate and performs better than some large-leaved cherry laurels. It has narrower le ...
Brenelia is an elegant novelty variety of Portugal laurel from early 21st century. In appearance and use it is similar to Angustifolia variety but has larger leaves with undulated margins and exhibit faster growth. The stal ...
You can easily fall in love with this Portugal laurel if you like evergreen plants. It will enchant you with its lush, glossy leaves. They are large, thick, somewhat undulated, and emerge coppery orange, turn soft green, and mature to dark green in summer. They res ...
Originally named Snofozam after it was put to trade this hybrid weeping cherry received a nicer name Snow Fountains® which tells everything. In the spring it produces masses of lightly scented pure white flowers along plentiful of weeping branches that may run almost ...
Ascot rainbow is a semi-woody perennial spurge found as a natural mutation of an old unnamed hybrid by David Glenn from Australia in 2005. This variety has beautiful, evergreen foliage boasting with rich banana yellow variegation at leaf margins around grey green c ...
Excelsum Superbum is a highly attractive, variegated form of glossy privet. It makes large, up to 15 cm long and 6 cm wide, ovate to oval, pale dark green leaves abundantly variegated butter yellow, often extended to the mi ...
Garland Star® is a crown imperial variety developed by Dutch company De Keizerskroon who have been breeding fritillarias since 1978. Garland Star® has exceptionally strong, deep purple to almost black stems, 90-10 ...
Coraljade is a deciduous variety of stonecrop developed by American breeder Hans Hansen from Walters Gardens nursery in Michigan who is known in our country as the creator of many beautiful sages. It is a low-growing, compa ...
Peach Pearls is a deciduous variety of stonecrop introduced by Terra Nova Nursery from Oregon, USA. It is a low-growing, compact perennial forming elegantly smooth cushions with fleshy, ovate, olive-green leaves with rich m ...
Chocolate Cherry®, yummy! Though inedible, this ice plant invented by Dutch breeder Marco van Noort was named aptly describing the coloration of flowers and foliage. It makes small, only about 4cm across, dome-like inf ...
Mojave Jewels Ruby is a stonecrop variety from AB Cultivars in the Netherlands from 2018. It makes extremely dark foliage and stems which perfectly contrast with its flowers. Deciduous leaves are broadly elliptic, mildly se ...
Dazzleberry stonecrop emerges with small, oval, deciduous, dark blue-green leaves flushed dark purple red in spring, and mature to deep purple blue or almost deep burgundy red in summer. Huge flower heads measure up to 20 c ...
TOUCHDOWN™ Teak orpine will instantly catch your attention when passing by a bed with many orpine varieties. It has such a rich purple brown colour of leaves that remains deep and vibrant from spring till autumn. They ...
Munstead Dark Red is a good old buddy in the world of orpines. We can call it a classic now as it gained so much well-deserved attention and praise, and is still among the top stonecrop varieties. It produces pale but darke ...
SPOT ON™ DEEP ROSE is a Caucasian stonecrop with deep rose to rich purple pink, star-shaped flowers from July until August. They are a magnet for bees that feast on them. Evergreen leaves are small, narrowly obovate, ...
SPOT ON™ PINK is a Caucasian stonecrop with light pink, star-shaped flowers which usually open from mid July and flower for 3-4 weeks. They are a magnet for bees that feast on them. Evergreen leaves are small, narrowl ...
Cliff stonecrop is Japanese native plant popular for its compact growth and profuse flowering. Lidakense is one of the top varieties producing small, oval, deciduous, silvery blue-green leaves flushed with purple pink, and ...
Groundcovering stonecrops are alpine perennials which are available in so many species and varieties that everyone can find his favourite. They are native to almost all continents including their coldest parts, except for Australia and Antarctica.
They are culti ...
ANNIVERSARY BLUE is a winning selection of speedwell bred by German branch of Dutch breeding company Florensis B.V., in Quedlinburg. It boasts rich indigo blue flowers composed in slim, erect spikes from late June until ear ...
ANNIVERSARY ROSE is a winning selection of speedwell bred by German branch of Dutch breeding company Florensis B.V., in Quedlinburg. It boasts pastel pink flowers composed in slim, erect spikes from late June until early au ...
ROYAL CANDLES® is a spiked speedwell variety which was found as natural mutation by Heather Philpott among other veronica spicata plants in Detlink, Kent, UK in 1987. It is distinguished by deep violet, dense spikes of ...
Perennial Blue is a fast-growing rambling rose from 2003 bred by Bernard F. Mehring in his company Eurosa in England, and now is offered by Rosen Tantau. It is a cross between Super Excelsa and Veilchenblau. It makes rich c ...
SCHNEEWITTCHEN® (Snow White) is a pure white floribunda rose from 1958 bred by Reimer Kordes (1922-1997). In 1983 it received a prestigious award Rose of the Year 1983 which it truly deserves. It produces 5-6 cm large, ...
Pink blueberries, now commonly called Pinkberry® are a modern attraction of early 2000's. The first plant was achieved by American breeder Mark Ehlenfeldt from Agricultural Research Service (ARS), who in 1991 crossed rabbit ...
EUPHORIA™ RUBY is the shortest growing and a very compact variety of Joe Pye Weed so far. Its sturdy, maroon stems commonly grow between 50 and 80 cm in height. As early as in late July appear up to 26 cm wide corymbs ...
This easy to grow shrub has many names and all of them say something about the beautiful perfume of the flowers: sweetshrub, strawberry shrub, or even pineapple shrub. They really smell like a few types of fruit: strawberry, apple, and even melon. Sweetshrub is nat ...
Mondo grass is a highly attractive evergreen perennial from China and Japan. It is cultivated for handsome, strap-like foliage. Niger is a variety offering narrow, flat, grass-like leaves of extremely deep purple, almost bl ...
Skimmia is a very nice small shrub, often used as a groundcover. It comes from Japan and the Himalayas. It needs a shady spot or a semi-shade as it loses leaf colour and suffers from sunburn in full sun. In the spring it has clusters of tiny fragrant flowers. It needs well cultivated, permeable, aci ...
Brewer spruce is an evergreen conifer native to the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon and northern California where it is a rare plant owing to its sparse occurrence. It has a beautiful shape. The stem and inner branches are firm and upright whereas new bra ...
Blue Diamond is a true jewel. This conifer is a variety of Colorado spruce with intensely blue coloured needles with silver overlay. They are quite prickly and evergreen. It grows about 15 cm per year, and only 10 cm upward ...
Caucasian spruce is an attractive conifer with an interesting habit. Lateral branches grow horizontally first, later they rise a bit upwards in an angle of about 45° while new growths are slightly drooping. Aureospicata is a variety with bright yellow new foliage that lasts for ...
Dwarf conifers are very popular in continental Europe, mostly thanks to its evergreen feature and good hardiness. Their sizes never grow over the top which makes them ideal for small-sized gardens and rock gardens, they look good as solitaires as well as in groupings. This bird’s nest spruce h ...
Bleeding heart is a bit old-fashioned yet beautiful perennial commonly found in European gardens. It comes from Siberia and colder parts of China and Korea. The Japanese legend has it that the common name implies a young man whose love for a lady was rejected so he ...
Fragrant stewartia comes from South China (not to be confused with stewartia sinensis) and, as the name suggests, bears profusion of mildly fragrant flowers. Do not expect lilac's strength of perfume, just a faint, rose-like aroma. Flowers open from purple red buds ...
Mel's Blue Stoke’s aster is a chance seedling found by Adrianus van Heesbeen from the Netherlands in 2007. Compared to the species Mel's Blue has more rounded habit, more stems that are stronger and produce more flowe ...
This Japanese dogwood has both large leaves and flowers. It flowers in June when the shrub is fully in leaf. The flowers are 6-8 cm wide, creamy white flower composed around small flower heads. They are followed by edible, bright pink fruit that looks like litchi. Pointed leaves are deciduous ...
This giant dogwood has another name which, in my opinion, characterizes the plant much better = wedding cake tree. Looking at the habit of the more commonly grown cultivar Variegata one knows exactly what it means. This beauty can easily become a show-stopping specimen in ...
Only few trees in Central European climate can boast of summer flowering while all other shrubs and trees have only leaves after their spring flowers have vanished. Golden-rain tree is one of the few. It is a deciduous tree native to China and naturally occurring i ...
TINY WINE® is a dwarf ninebark variety growing only about half the size of the species i.e. about 1.5m. It produces a profusion of small leaves which are deep burgundy red overall, and dark green inside the shrub. They ...
SWEET CHERRY TEA™ belongs among compact to dwarf ninebark varieties with one extra trait: it re-blooms in summer. Its deciduous leaves are small, conspicuously serrated (notched) at margins, and three-lobed like, for ...
RASPBERRY LEMONADE™ belongs among compact ninebark varieties with a fine texture of small leaves. They are deciduous, about haf the size of the species, conspicuously serrated (notched) at margins, and three-lobed lik ...
Irish yew is a popular evergreen conifer. They are very practical due to many varieties available offering various shapes and sizes. Another advantage is that they grow well in both full sun and in deep shade.
Fastigiata has strictly upright, narrow habit. It grows very slowl ...
Houttuynia, named to honour a Dutch botanist of the 18th century, is a ground covering perennial from East Asia, and Chameleon if one of its few varieties. It bears medium-sized, heart-shaped leaves similar to those of purp ...
Sunseekers Salmon is truly a unique coneflower. Among the load of colours available today this one stands out like a proud princess who knows that she is being watched. Semi-double, large flowers have frayed ends and appear ...
SunSeekers is a coneflower series comprising of many flowers colours, all of which are stunning, rich, and non-fading. Plants have exceptional vigour and dense habit. Ray florets are usually shorter and in case of this vari ...
MOOODZ® GLORY is a white flowering member of the MOOODZ® coneflower series. It makes large flowers with wide ray florets around a large golden yellow cone hiding sweet nec ...
MOOODZ® SYMPATHY is another introduction from the MOOODZ® coneflower series. It produces 8-9 cm large, very fragrant flowers with ray florets that open to a beautiful soft ...
Unique and gorgeous. This is another coneflower variety from the SunSeekers series. It is called SUNSEEKERS APPLE GREEN and produces large, 8-10 cm across, single flowers with 2 or ...
DELICIOUS NOUGAT® coneflower is a sister variety of DELICIOUS CANDY® bred by Marco van Noort from the Netherlands in 2016. It produces dense, compact cl ...
Flowers with fruit-like variety names sound very tasty and make you want them just because they recall a taste of fruit you like. Exactly as in case of this hybrid coneflower from the SUNSEEKERS series from 2022. Its name is SUNSEEKERS PO ...
Not even a year after the introduction of SUNSEEKERS MINEOLA in 2023, the very first semi-double coneflower with orange flowers from the SUNSEEKERS series, Innofl ...
SUNSEEKERS SWEET FUCHSIA is a fully double flowering coneflower variety from 2022, first on the market in 2023. Its exquisite flowers are large, about 10 cm across, and more than a coneflower they resemble dahlias or gerber ...
Ballerina Red is a great thrift variety from the Ballerina series with large, globular flower heads composed of rosy red flowers. Flowers are produced continuously from April till June atop strong, 20-30 cm tall stems. Ever ...
Sweet Dreams armeria bears clear pink flowers composed in 3-4 cm wide, spherical flowerheads atop sturdy, 15-20 cm tall, leafless stems. The inflorescence resembles ornamental onion flowers but without any scent. They bloom ...
Büttners Rote Knorpelkirsche is a great and unique sweet cherry variety from German Halle found already in 1795. In early 2000‘ it was renamed to ALTENBURGER MELONENKIRSCHE which truly does no make its pronunciation any easier.
This cherry produces excellent fruit of unique taste and beaut ...