Robinia pseudoacacia 'FRISIA'

Robinia pseudoacacia
Robinia pseudoacacia  'FRISIA'
golden locust
SIZE/TYPE medium-sized tree
LEAVES deciduous broadleaf
COLOUR OF LEAVES +multicoloured:light green and yellow
FLOWERS insignificant or non-blooming
LOCATION full to partial sun
USDA zone (lowest) 4   (down to -34°C)
FOR ZONE 5+6 Code of winter protection zone 5+6
FOR ZONE 7 Code of winter protection zone 7
BELONGS TO CATEGORIES Deciduous broadleaf
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European gardens love colours. And the truth is what a tropical garden has to offer in terms of colours of the flowers, our gardens can easily compete beating it with colours and shapes of the leaves. Hence one of our most attractive trees, a jewel among gold-leaved: golden locust. It was first discovered in Willem Jensen nursery in Holland in 1935, and was named after the province Friesland.

Frisia leaves are pinnate, composed of 23 oval, individual leaflets, forming an overall leaf of 25-30 cm. They are always bright yellow-green, sometimes really golden-yellow when they emerge, and shine so much you can never miss it from a respectable distance. They can brighten up the darkest corner of every garden.

That was our case, too: we planted not very nice one we had on a place full of garden rubbish, stones, sand and used mulch. Truly, we did not believe it would survive the winter. To our utmost surprise it did survive, moreover, it sprang unbelievably and made new branches more than 1m long. From that date it is our protégé and we freely suggest planting it in poor soils provided it is well drained, not heavy or clay, and under no conditions wet.

When it comes to moisture, it prefers to dry out for a couple of weeks rather than stand in water for a few days. It grows vigorously and its size can be easily controlled by pruning by end of winter. Ideal for pollarding. Fully hardy to -34°C (USDA zone 4).

Last update 08-12-2008.

Sophora japonica
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
  • STANDARD QUALITY - Plants of this group are 1st class quality with number of branches and overall density adequate to their size and age, considering they were container grown.
  • DE LUXE QUALITY - This label guarantees a luxurious quality of manually selected plants that, compared to their height and age, are exceptionally dense and beautiful.
  • EXTRA - These plants are usually mature and bigger specimens with exceptional overall appearance.
  • STANDARD (as described in the plant form) means a tree with a trunk of 190-210 cm and a crown at the top, unless specified differently. The commercial size for trees is their girth measured in the height of 1m from ground.
  • HOBBY - These plants are of the same quality as our standard-quality plants but younger and therefore cheaper.
  • SHRUB - a woody plant with branches growing bushy from the ground level.
  • HALF-STANDARD or MINI-STANDARD - a small tree with shorter trunk, its size is usually specified.
  • FEATHERED - These are trees with branches growing already from the base of the trunk and up along the stem.
  • GRASSES and PERENNIALS - Sizes given usually read the diameter of the pot or the clump, as specified.
LARGE PLANTS over 150 cmspecimens, screening and hedging shrubs

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