Exotics beginning with: A | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | O | P | Q | R | S | T | W | Y | complete list
Bear’s breeches is a unique perennial with large, architectural leaves. They are deep green and extremely glossy. Strong plants make long, erect stems with pinkish flowers at the end of summer. It is evergreen in milder parts of Europe.
Acanthus is popular in the Mediterranean where ...
Montpellier maple is a typical Mediterranean tree commonly found in dry, coastal or mountainous landscapes of Portugal, France, and Italy. It makes small, three-lobed, leathery but deciduous leaves, which are medium green in summer, and turn yellow, amber orange or ...
Unlike most of other African blue lilies which are blue this gem shows off with its pure white flowers. They are trumpet-shaped, composed in rich umbels and appear at the tips of about 60-80 cm long, sturdy stems. Strap-like leaves are about 2-3 cm wide, mid green. Blooming time begins with h ...
Mimosaceae plants are common and popular mainly in southern Europe for their high tolerance to drought as well as attractive and long lasting flowering. Even though they come from subtropical parts of the world there is one species hardy enough to be grown in our climate - si ...
Evi's Pride (also spelled Evey's Pride) is a purple-leaved form of silk tree which boasts with better hardiness and richer flowering as opposed to Summer Chocolate®< ...
Summer Chocolate® is a spectacular silk tree variety from Japan where it was discovered in 1990 as a seedling in a controlled planting of Albizia julibrissin in 1990. It was granted a US patent No. PP13,822 in 2003. St ...
Ombrella® belongs to the hardy group. It was a chance selection from France which was observed and cultivated, and later on patented under the name Boubri. It differs from the species by darker leaves and deeply coloured flowers.
Exotic looking flowers are pinky-red, hairy spheres wit ...
Aureovariegata Japanese angelica tree is another variegated form of this east Asian taxon. It boasts showy variegation of leaf margins that are rich yellow in spring and turn paler in summer to almost white when the flowers ...
is one of the first (or possibly the very first) variegated mutation of Japanese angelica tree which probably explains it rather botanical, charmless name. Nonetheless the plant itself is charm impersonified! ...
Dutchman's pipe is a vigorous climber native to America, found in moist woodlands from N.E.Canada to S.E.USA. It is cultivated for its dramatic large foliage which looks as if just escaped from a rainforest. The deciduous leaves are 10-30 cm across, fresh green, he ...
Powis Castle is an English variety of wormwood that is also called Brass Band. It is most likely a spontaneous hybrid between the species a. arborescens and a. absinthium from the Middle East where wormwoods willingly hybri ...